Does the Mind Extend Beyond the Brain?

The science behind telepathy is more compelling than you might think.



Image by Danii Pollehn on Adobe Stock, Creative Commons

Have you ever thought about someone, be it a friend, work colleague or family member, and moments later, they call or message you? Or have you ever felt someone staring at you; their eyes burning the back of your head?

As it turns out, over 80% of people — including children — report experiencing these phenomenon; something they cannot explain, according to British biologist and parapsychology researcher Dr Rupert Sheldrake, a former Research Fellow of the Royal Society, London.

These unexplained telepathic “human abilities” — like the ability to preconceive someone’s phone call, dubbed “phone call telepathy”— Dr Sheldrake claims, are not paranormal, but a normal part of our biological nature.

And animals share the same abilities, according to his research.

“Our minds have fields that stretch out in accordance with attention and intention, far beyond the brain,” Dr Sheldrake says. “That means if you look at somebody from behind and they don’t know you’re there, then they might be able to feel you.”

Picture this: the brain and mind work in a similar way to a mobile phone. The mobile phone (hardware) is the brain and the data (signals)…




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