Electric Propulsion Study

Advances in plasma physics and nuclear technology

Observing The Anomaly
Published in
12 min readJan 3, 2023


This author has covered MHD/EHD propulsion in the past as well as explored compact nuclear power options to potentially power such craft. The general over all category of “electric propulsion” covers both MHD and EHD as well as other methods involving plasmas, electric fields, and magnetic fields. In a series of articles this author has used sources such as official technical papers from NASA, DIA, USAF, DOE, and US patents. However, it’s become clear that such sources apparently still are not enough for some people. People still demanded peer reviewed academic papers, video demonstrating such technology, and examples of companies that are pursuing such technology. This article will explore those deliverables and hopefully finally convince the skeptics that this technology is not only very possible but it’s being actively pursued and functional products are being tested.

In NASA’s official and publicly released 2022 Strategic Plan they plainly state “Space nuclear power is one essential capability, including nuclear electric propulsion for in-space transportation, and fission surface power technology for operation on the surface of the Moon and Mars” on page 59 and states on page 67, “MSFC also leads the Space Nuclear Propulsion Project for TDM as…



Observing The Anomaly

Focused on all-domain anomaly resolution. That includes UAP’s, but is also open to any anomalous data.