Elon Musk’s Neuralink Demo Today is Yet Another Historical Event

It looks like we are witnessing a breakthrough innovation every week these days

Fahri Karakas


Neuralink & Elon Musk, Courtesy of Synced, Image Source

Do you also feel hyped, anxious, and tired over the rate of technological innovations we are witnessing nowadays? It looks like we are now experiencing a breakthrough innovation almost every week now, and it is becoming almost impossible to keep up with the latest developments.

I still have not got over my obsession with the GPT-3 innovations recently unleashed — please see my article on this below:

Yet, there is no time to breathe or slow down because Elon Musk is unveiling a working demo of Neuralink brain chip today. For the first time in history, we will witness Neuralink make a direct link between the human brain and the machine. This is a historical moment because it will perhaps be the start of a new era of superhuman intelligence. This revolutionary technology is called BMI — ‘brain-machine interface’ technology.



Fahri Karakas

Associate Professor in Business & Leadership at University of East Anglia. Passionate about doodling, imagination, and creativity. Author of Self-Making Studio.