Member-only story

Energy, Death, and Treasure in Future Algeria

Fiction from the world’s first bitcoin anthology

Philip Charter ✍️


Original artwork by Philip Charter and Niko Laamanen


When my father died, an entire ecosystem system of beneficiaries withered. Moussa Ag El Khir funded scholarships and community projects, paying thousands of Dinars monthly to stop the oasis town of In Salah from burning up. The few families we knew operating outside the oil-field economy would be forced to flee to the Mediterranean coast, along with just about every other Berber.

It wasn’t unexpected. My father had cystic fibrosis for all sixty-one years of his life. So far, that’s the only legacy he’s passed on to his children. My brothers are just carriers, but me, his precious daughter ended up like him in more ways than one.

We sat there in the lawyer’s office in Algiers, my brothers and I, staring at the ledger which contained payment for his life’s work.

“And he only left one word in his will?” asked Ibrahim for the third time. Ecology.

The lawyer said Moussa was very clear. He chose each of the keys himself. The contents of the ledger would belong to whoever could decode his life — those who understood the real meaning. Then he cut all communications and walked into the Sahara. The Tuareg caravan on the road to Akabli found his body a week…



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