Entrepreneurs Are Not Giraffes

Justin Theng
Published in
2 min readFeb 9, 2019

Have you ever felt afraid of being more than one thing? For example, growing, did someone ask you what you wanted to be when you grew up? Maybe you said to yourself, “Well, I don’t want to grow up.”

Or like most kids you probably said, “A policeman.” Or “A scientist.” Or “An astronaut.” Or “A Ballerina.”

I don’t think many kids have said, “I want to be a science artist.”

I don’t think I really believe that there is such a thing as an ‘entrepreneur’ anymore. Not in the way we’ve all been defining it anyway. It’s touted like it’s a job, or a career path. Or it’s the artist of the tech world. They do…whatever, as long as it involves technology and makes money.

You’re right, not every entrepreneur is a technologist but then think about the heroes we uphold. More kids these days are seeing the technology supergiants and instead of saying, “I want to be a policewoman,” many are saying, “I want to make my own business and be famous.”

Entrepreneurs are not giraffes.

I think we have been defining entrepreneurialism like it’s a species. But it’s probably more democratic than that. I mean, take a single mum with little resources to go around, and she’ll find solutions to problems. That’s entrepreneurialism. Creating opportunity out of nothing.

So if everyone can solve problems, then everyone can be creative. If everyone can be creative, then everyone is able to create opportunities. Not measured by how much money they make mind you, but by their ability to find new paths or to self express. So to me, everyone is on an entrepreneurial spectrum. So entrepreneurs are more like mammals than they are like giraffes, or elephants, or chimpanzees.

Although I’ve met a few that were hard to distinguish from the latter, I must admit.

René Descartes said famously, “I think, therefore I am.” It was is self-evidential proof of being alive. Just like having warm blood is self-evidential of being a mammal. How about if being able to think for yourself is self-evidence of being entrepreneurial?

What’s the point you say? Honestly, I don’t know. Not every story ends with an answer. Some stories end with a question — and the question, is where entrepreneurialism begins.



Justin Theng
Writer for

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