Everything about the 11 Dimensions that Physics Enthusiasts Need To Know

What are the 11 dimensions and what makes them so interesting, let’s find out.

Christa Brian


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Almost all of us know about the three dimensions that exist in the world, which are length, width, and depth. But not many of us know about the existence of other dimensions, and those who do are usually huge physics enthusiasts!

As scientific research evolved and we came across the “String theory,” the probability of more than three dimensions increased. This was a source of great interest to everyone interested in the possibility of multiple dimensions.

But the question remains constant. What are all the different types of dimensions, and what sets them apart from each other? Let us try and discover the 11 dimensions found so far to clear our ambiguities.

Zero Dimension

First, we should discuss the “Zero dimension” as the foundation for all other dimensions.

In scientific terms, any item with a zero dimension cannot be described in terms of length, width, or height. In simpler terms, anything that has no height and width exists in the “Zero Dimension.”

Suppose you make a dot on a page of paper with your pencil. You will come up…

