Everything that can be automated, must be automated!

Ilan Kasan
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2020


There are things that you do every single day that you wish could be done by someone else. Administrative tasks that eat away at your time, organizational tasks that drain your energy and menial tasks that waste your life force. But imagine a time when machine learning capability is advanced enough that you don’t have to spend your time on these things. Where because of the innovations of artificial intelligence and self-learning machinery, you can spend time on creative meaningful work that doesn’t drain your energy, but instead, energizes you.

In the intellectual age, using your time efficiently cannot be understated. Competitive salespeople and companies at large cannot afford to be wasting their time on procedures that can be automated. That doesn’t mean that people’s jobs will be taken away by machinery. On the contrary, people’s jobs will be made easier, more enjoyable, less filled with draining tasks. People will work with machinery to multiply their productivity and customer outreach.

The fear that machines and artificial intelligence will take away jobs comes from a scarcity mindset. A mindset that there is not enough to go around and that you need to ruthlessly compete with people to get ahead is not the truth! Is there natural competition in the marketplace? Of course. Does it need to be cut-throat and unethical…



Ilan Kasan

CEO and Co-Founder at Exceed.ai, Conversation Automation for Marketing and Sales