Exploring the Different Types of Blockchains: Layer 2 Chains, Side Chains, and App Chains

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4 min readApr 27, 2023

Blockchain technology has revolutionized the way we conduct transactions and store data. It is a decentralized, immutable, and secure technology that has disrupted various industries. However, as the demand for blockchain technology increased, the limitations of the traditional blockchain became more evident. This has led to the development of different types of blockchains that address the limitations of the traditional blockchain. In this article, we will explore the different types of blockchains, including Layer 2 chains, Side chains, and App chains.

Table of Contents

✔Traditional Blockchain Limitations
Layer 2 Chains
What are Layer 2 Chains?
How do Layer 2 Chains work?
Advantages of Layer 2 Chains
Side Chains
What are Side Chains?
How do Side Chains work?
Advantages of Side Chains
App Chains
What are App Chains?
How do App Chains work?
Advantages of App Chains

✔ Introduction

Blockchain technology has transformed the way we interact and conduct transactions. It is a decentralized, transparent, and immutable technology that offers secure transactions and data storage. However, the traditional blockchain has its limitations. The block size limit, scalability issues, and high transaction fees are some of the challenges associated with traditional blockchains. As the demand for blockchain technology increased, developers began to explore different types of blockchains that address the limitations of the traditional blockchain.

✔ Traditional Blockchain Limitations

The traditional blockchain has some limitations that have affected its scalability, security, and efficiency. For instance, the block size limit of the traditional blockchain limits the number of transactions that can be processed per second. This results in slow transaction speeds and high transaction fees. Additionally, the traditional blockchain’s Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism consumes a lot of energy, making it inefficient and environmentally unfriendly.

✔ Layer 2 Chains

What are Layer 2 Chains?

Layer 2 chains are off-chain scaling solutions that operate on top of the traditional blockchain. These chains process transactions off-chain and settle them on-chain, reducing congestion on the main chain. Layer 2 chains aim to increase the transaction throughput of the blockchain while reducing transaction fees.

How do Layer 2 Chains work?

Layer 2 chains work by creating a secondary layer on top of the traditional blockchain. This secondary layer can process transactions off-chain without affecting the main chain’s performance. The Layer 2 chain then settles the processed transactions on-chain periodically. Layer 2 chains use different mechanisms to process transactions off-chain, including state channels, plasma chains, and rollups.

Advantages of Layer 2 Chains

Layer 2 chains offer several advantages, including:

  • Increased transaction throughput
  • Reduced transaction fees
  • Improved scalability
  • Lower energy consumption

✔ Side Chains

What are Side Chains?

Side chains are independent blockchains that operate alongside the main blockchain. Side chains are linked to the main chain, allowing users to transfer assets between the main chain and the side chain. Side chains aim to address the scalability and transaction throughput issues of the main chain.

How do Side Chains work?

Side chains work by creating a separate blockchain that operates independently of the main chain. The side chain then establishes a two-way peg with the main chain, allowing assets to be transferred between the two chains. Side chains can use different consensus mechanisms and can have their own native tokens.

Advantages of Side Chains

Side chains offer several advantages, including:

  • Improved scalability
  • Reduced transaction fees
  • Ability to support custom consensus mechanisms
  • Interoperability with other blockchains

✔ App Chains

What are App Chains?

App chains, also known as off-chain computation networks, are blockchains that focus on off-chain computations and smart contract execution. App chains aim to improve scalability and transaction throughput while reducing gas fees.

How do App Chains work?

App chains work by creating a separate blockchain that runs smart contracts off-chain. These smart contracts can perform complex computations and return the results to the main chain. App chains can use different mechanisms to perform off-chain computations, including trusted computing, secure multi-party computation, and decentralized oracles.

Advantages of App Chains

App chains offer several advantages, including:

  • Improved scalability
  • Reduced gas fees
  • Ability to perform complex computations off-chain
  • Improved privacy and security


In conclusion, blockchain technology has come a long way since the introduction of Bitcoin in 2009. As the demand for blockchain technology increased, developers began to explore different types of blockchains that address the limitations of the traditional blockchain. Layer 2 chains, side chains, and app chains are some of the most popular types of blockchains that aim to improve scalability, reduce transaction fees, and improve transaction throughput. Each type of blockchain has its own advantages and disadvantages, and their adoption depends on the specific use case and requirements. A blockchain development company specializes in creating, implementing, and maintaining blockchain solutions for various industries and use cases.


⑴. What is the difference between Layer 2 chains and side chains?
Layer 2 chains operate on top of the main chain, while side chains operate alongside the main chain.

⑵. What is the advantage of using App chains?
App chains allow for off-chain computations and smart contract execution, improving scalability and reducing gas fees.

⑶. Can side chains use a different consensus mechanism than the main chain?
Yes, side chains can use a different consensus mechanism than the main chain.

⑷. How do Layer 2 chains improve scalability?
Layer 2 chains process transactions off-chain, reducing congestion on the main chain and improving scalability.

⑸. Are app chains suitable for all use cases?
No, app chains are suitable for specific use cases that require off-chain computations and smart contract execution.



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