Exploring the Mysteries of the Kailasa Temple: Unveiling Ancient Craftsmanship and Mystical Legends

J.V. Mahajan
Published in
7 min readFeb 12, 2024

You might have heard or read about the 7 wonders of the world. Recently, Angkor Wat temple of Cambodia has also been included in it. But the structure we will talk about today is more amazing and mysterious than these eight wonders of the world. You must have heard a lot about the temples of Lord Shiva built by humans. But today we are telling you about a special Shiva temple, whose structure is so amazing that it is believed that it was built by supernatural powers. This is the Kailasa Temple of Ellora which is in Cave №16 in Aurangabad. You will be surprised to know that this temple has been carved from a single mountain, showcases ancient skill and creativity, challenging even modern capabilities. Explore its winding halls and stunning rooms, where legend meets reality in an immersive experience.

As you explore its vast chambers and intricate details, you’ll be transported to a realm where myth and reality intertwine. Despite its ancient origins, the mystery of how it was built remains unsolved, leaving experts puzzled.

Join us as we unravel the secrets of the Kailasa Temple, where every corner holds a story of divine inspiration. Let’s delve into its timeless beauty and marvel at the wonders that continue to mystify even the brightest minds.

UNESCO World Heritage Site: Ellora’s Kailasa Temple

The remarkable Kailasa Temple stands nestled within the breathtaking Ellora Cave №16 in Maharashtra’s Aurangabad district. Built in the 8th century by the talented King Krishna I of the Rashtrakuta dynasty, this temple is more than just a structure — it’s a testament to ancient artistry and devotion. There are 100 caves scattered throughout Ellora, and only 34 are open to the public. Can you believe it? Each cave holds its own mysteries and tales, adding to the allure of this historical site.

The Kailasa Temple isn’t just any temple — it’s a UNESCO-designated “World Heritage Site” since 1983! This temple was crafted to resemble Lord Shiva’s celestial abode on Mount Kailasa, standing an impressive 276 feet long and 154 feet wide. Can you imagine the craftsmanship behind that?

But here’s where it gets even more fascinating: the temple wasn’t built with bricks or blocks. Nope, it was carved right out of the surrounding rock, weighing a jaw-dropping 40,000 tonnes!

So, as you wander through its sacred halls and marvel at its intricate carvings, let yourself be transported to a world where ancient myths come to life, and where every corner holds a story waiting to be discovered. So, welcome to the wonder that is the Kailasa Temple of Ellora!

Marvelous Architecture of the Kailasa Temple

Architecture of Kailash Temple

Alright, now let’s dive into the fascinating architecture of the Kailasa Temple! It took a whopping 18 years to build this marvel, but when you lay eyes on the intricate paintings adorning its walls, it’s like stepping into a time capsule. You’d swear it must’ve taken thousands of years to create such detailed artwork!

The temple was crafted by chiseling away a U-shaped rock, removing a staggering 2 lakh tons of rock in the process. Now, you all know most stone-carved temples are sculpted from the front, right? But this 90-feet-high Kailasa Temple? It’s carved from top to bottom! Talk about defying expectations. It’s not just any temple — it’s the most incredible structure in the world carved from a single stone! The architectural style is a blend of Pallava and Chalukya influences, making it a true masterpiece.

Now, let’s talk layout: you’ve got an entrance gate, a pavilion, and a plethora of statues adorning both the inside and outside. There are more than a hundred panels in the temple. And here’s another fascinating tidbit about the Kailasa Temple: on one side of the temple, you’ll find intricate depictions straight out of the epic tales of the Ramayana and Mahabharata. It’s like stepping into the pages of these ancient scriptures! But that’s not all — the cave is also adorned with countless carvings showcasing stories and symbols related to Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and more. It’s a mesmerizing journey through ancient myths and legends, all carved into the very heart of this majestic temple. The grand Nandi statue situated in the open pavilion at the front, flanked by majestic elephants and pillars. Oh, and did I mention the temple rests on the backs of elephants? Yep, you read that right!

Kailash temple

Here’s the kicker: according to experts, a temple like this should take around 150 years to build. But get this — back when it was constructed, there were no fancy machines or cutting-edge technology. So, the fact that it was completed in just 18 years? Mind-blowing! It’s safe to say, the Kailasa Temple is a true testament to human ingenuity and craftsmanship.

Isn’t it mind-boggling to think about how they managed to build such a massive temple back then? I mean, we’re talking about a time when they didn’t have any fancy modern tools like we do today. Just imagine, all they had were chisels and hammers, yet they still pulled off creating this incredible structure. It’s pretty impressive, don’t you think?

The Legendary Tale behind the Kailasa Temple’s Creation

Kailash Temple Shiv-Parvati Carving

Legend has it that King Krishna I of the Rashtrakuta dynasty, the mastermind behind the temple’s construction, fell gravely ill. Despite all efforts, his health failed to improve. Desperate, the queen vowed to Lord Shiva, promising to construct a grand temple if the king recovered. She pledged to fast until she laid eyes on the temple spire.

Miraculously, the king regained his health, but the queen faced a daunting task. Building such a magnificent temple would take years, making it impossible to fulfill her vow. Turning to Lord Shiva once more, the queen sought divine intervention.

It is said that Lord Shiva bestowed upon her a mystical weapon capable of transforming stone into vapor. It is believed that this temple was built with the same weapon and after the temple was built, that weapon was kept in the cave below the temple. It is said that its construction was started from above only to quickly fulfill the queen’s vow. Apart from this, some people say that it was made by ‘aliens’.

Mysteries of the Kailasa Temple

Kailash Temple Carvings

Let’s unravel the mysteries surrounding the construction of the Kailasa Temple with these intriguing points:

It is said that 7000 laborers supposedly came together to build this temple in just 18 years. Sounds unbelievable, right? Let’s break it down. If each laborer worked for 12 hours a day, that means they would’ve needed to extract a whopping 22 thousand tons of stones in 18 years to reach the total of 4 lakh tons. That’s about 60 tons of stones extracted every day, or roughly 5 tons per hour! Seems like quite the feat.

Now, here’s where it gets really puzzling. Despite investigations, there’s no solid evidence about who actually built the temple or even when it was completed. Plus, since the temple was carved from a single rock and mountain, carbon dating isn’t much help in determining its age.

Here’s a head-scratcher: even after removing all those tons of stones during construction, they seem to have vanished into thin air! It’s like 4 lakh tons of stones just disappeared without a trace.

The temple boasts a complete draining system to collect rainwater and channel excess water through drains. Every little detail seems to have been meticulously thought out.

Different types of scripts have been used on the walls of the temple, nobody has been able to decipher them to this day! It’s like a secret code waiting to be cracked.

Legend has it that the stones used in the temple are unbreakable. Yup, you heard that right — unbreakable! Even the notorious Islamic invader Aurangzeb couldn’t lay a finger on them. In 1862, he ordered 1000 soldiers to demolish the temple, but despite their efforts over three long years, they couldn’t even make a dent. Now that’s what you call indestructible!

Here’s where things take a mysterious turn. During the British rule, there was research conducted on the caves below the temple. But guess what? High levels of radioactivity made it nearly impossible to continue. Some say it’s because there could be ancient weapons or tools used in the temple’s construction down there. Even after independence, these caves remain closed. Archaeologists speculate that there might be a whole other world beyond those caves. And where does all that radioactive radiation come from? It’s a mystery, as it usually only comes from one source in caves. Intriguing, isn’t it?

In the end, the story of the Kailasa Temple leaves us in awe of the incredible feats achieved by ancient craftsmen. How they managed to carve such a magnificent structure with only basic tools like chisels and hammers is truly remarkable. It’s a testament to the ingenuity and skill of those who came before us.

As we marvel at the grandeur of the Kailasa Temple and ponder its mysteries, we’re reminded of the rich heritage and cultural legacy of ancient India. The temple stands as a timeless symbol of human creativity and devotion, inviting us to reflect on the remarkable achievements of our ancestors.

So next time you visit a historical site like the Kailasa Temple, take a moment to appreciate the incredible craftsmanship and dedication that went into its creation. It’s a window into our past and a reminder of the enduring power of human endeavor.



J.V. Mahajan

Just a writer jotting down thoughts on all sorts of things, exploring the everyday with a touch of curiosity and a dash of simplicity.