Failed Predictions for 2020 We Wish Came True

Michael J. Vowles
Published in
8 min readDec 11, 2020


Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

It’s always interesting to wonder how much our ancestors, predecessors, and younger selves knew where they were going. But equally fascinating, in my opinion, are those bold predictions from the past that hit completely wide of the mark. Not only is it a neat insight into the way the minds of the past considered their place in human history, but it serves as a reminder that no matter our achievements, we can never gauge our societal momentum with any real exactness.

2020 has been an eventful and chaotic year, so I figured I would turn my ear back to the voices of the past and delve into a little alternate history. It seems that those voices had a lot of ideas about what 2020 in particular might look like. Prophecies aren’t interesting, so I made sure to stick to considered, thoughtful predictions made by futurologists, writers, engineers, scientists, and other trend forecasters.

These are the unmet expectations, forgotten dreams, and unrequited wishes for the 2020 that never was.

A 26-Hour Work Week

Photo by You X Ventures on Unsplash

This one is probably the most disappointing. In 1968, physicist Herman Kahn and futurist Anthony J. Weiner…



Michael J. Vowles

Freelance writer, occasional traveler, full-time ice cream taster. I run a blog at where I ramble with enthusiasm.