Five Ways Defining Your Personal Values Will Lead You To Success

Larry Boyer
Published in
4 min readAug 6, 2018


In everyday life we tend to use the term values rather loosely. Generally, we mean something that is of importance in some way. Often there is a moral or social norm that raises some values over the other in importance. But if we’re honest, there is a good chance we don’t really living our lives in accordance to these values. What we don’t realize is we have a different set of values, values we may not even be aware of, that cause internal conflict and get in the way of our success.

Such a casual approach to understanding our own personal values, however, results in conflicting priorities, actions and beliefs, all of which get in the way of your success. If you want to be a high achiever, you need to be working as effectively and efficiently as you call all the time. And while there are many tools, tips and tricks you can use the most fundamental is getting clear on what your personal core values are.

What happens when your values are clear to you? The results can be astounding and build over time. They include:

1. Fast Decision Making: When you know what’s important to you, you know what action to take and what choices to make. No reason to agonize.

2. Increasing Self-Confidence: When you know what you stand you no longer fear…



Larry Boyer

Larry Boyer is an analytics leader who enjoys working with the interplay of people, processes and technology.