Forget About Coding, The Job Of The Future Is Philosophy

Artificial Intelligence will bring four major problems in the near future. Only philosophy can come to the rescue.

Luca Rossi
Published in
17 min readJun 10, 2020


If you are worried that your children won’t find a stable job in the future, you may want to suggest them to become philosophers.

Yes, the least practical profession ever is destined to find a role in the job market for the first time in history. And it will even be the most important one.

Photo by Juan Rumimpunu on Unsplash

The Last Profession On Earth

The future is extremely uncertain. Nobody can say what the job market will look like in 5, 20, or 50 years. But there is one trend that most of us agree on: AI is becoming better than humans in more and more jobs.

This puts your profession too at risk. Or, as I said in a previous story:

Your profession has a deadline

You may think that your profession is safe because it’s very creative or requires a substantial amount of general intelligence.

Maybe you are a teacher. Or a scientist. Or a coder. So you must be safe, right?

Think again.



Luca Rossi
I, Human

I am not a duck. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or selling something.