Former director of NHTSA Dr. Mark Rosekind’s reckless position and track record on Autonomous Vehicles

Michael DeKort
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2018

Dr. Mark Rosekind, the current Chief Safety Innovation Officer at Zoox has advocated for practices that are a completely uninformed, untenable, reckless and life threatening. Here is what he said in a recent article —

“A former highways agency chief who served under President Obama said it is inevitable that driverless cars will kill people as they appear on the road.

Dr Mark Rosekind, the former US Highway Traffic Safety Administrator warned that “there will be some lives lost” as tech companies and car manufacturers experiment with autonomous vehicles, but insisted that their introduction will eventually lead to much safer streets in the future.

Discussing the future of transport on BBC Radio 4, he said: “Unfortunately there will be crashes. People are going to get hurt and there will be some lives lost.”

This is exactly the tactic Elon Musk uses. They are trying to desensitize us to these deaths so we accept them. To make us believe they are the ends to a means. A necessary evil. They could not be more wrong.

It is a myth that the use of public shadow driving to develop AVs will ever come close to actually creating one. You cannot drive the one trillion miles, spend over $300B or harm as many people as this process will harm trying to do so. As a mater of fact these folks doing the exact opposite of that which they say they want to do. They will never get remotely close to L4. As such most of the lives who would have been saved won’t be. And they will take lives needlessly, thousands of them, trying.

To make matters worse Dr. Rosekind was in charge of NHTSA when they conducted the fatally flawed sturdy that enabled these tragedies to happen. Their 2015 L2/L3 Handover Study conducted in 2015 stated this practice could be made safe using monitoring and alert systems. The problem is their test was beyond flawed. They determined “total control” was regained, after being distracted, by simply grabbing the wheel and looking straight ahead. They never attempted to look at the quality of the action taken or if proper situational awareness time could be regained. NASA and a plethora of studies the 3–45 seconds required to regain proper situational awareness cannot be provided in those critical scenarios. When NASA, Waymo, Ford, Chris Urmson and a plethora of studies say the same thing how do you ignore that?

Link to study

NHTSA, and the NTSB who has the same flawed belief about handover/L3/public shadow driving, are supposed to be the ones doing this due diligence and protecting the public before and better than anyone else. They should be the ones enabling, supporting or driving untenable practice that takes lives for no reason.

The answer is for these organizations to do their due diligence. I call on them to institute and immediate moratorium on any practice involving handover, fully look in to the matter and take the appropriate actions.

With regard to the practice of using public shadow driving to develop AVs the solution is the use FAA processes combined with aerospace/DoD level simulation integrated with a universally accepted Scenario Matrix.

More detailed here

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By Dhiva Krishna on Unsplash



Michael DeKort

Non-Tribal Truth Seeker-IEEE Barus Ethics Award/9–11 Whistleblower-Aerospace/DoD Systems Engineer/Member SAE Autonomy and eVTOL development V&V & Simulation