Fostering Abundance vs. Scarcity

How can we go beyond virtual land grabs and bored NFT clubs?

Avi Bar-Zeev


Back around 2006, I blogged about many issues relevant to The Metaverse (or Whateverse you want to call it). Earlier in 2001, I worked on Second Life and explored some interesting ideas for creating virtual stuff. Here’s one question from that time that’s suddenly relevant again:

How do we move from a model of enforcing artificial scarcity to something that builds for abundance?

I hope this article can straddle the gap between the folks who are very pro-crypto or vehemently anti-crypto and offer something to both perspectives. Let’s dispense with the accusations of ignorance and concede that we’re all probably stupid, or at least unwisely hopeful, about something

The answer to the big question above will likely determine whether we can freely exchange ideas and build on each other’s work (as with science, literature, art, gaming), or if everyone retreats farther into their own protective bubbles out of fear or hordeaceus greed.

What is Artificial Scarcity?

The original “Charlie bit my finger” viral video sold in 2021 for $760,000. The buyer then removed it from the internet…



Avi Bar-Zeev

XR Pioneer (30+ years), started/helped projects at Microsoft (HoloLens), Apple, Amazon, Keyhole (Google Earth), Linden Lab (Second Life), Disney (VR), XR Guild