Frequency Travel

Shanmuga Boopathy
Published in
4 min readDec 15, 2019
Photo by Steve Harvey on Unsplash

You would be listening to the radio and get stuck to a channel, for a variety of reasons — you like all the programmes that are broadcasted on that channel, or you might be lazy enough to not change them. I definitely fall under the second category. Though not all the programmes relayed by them would be enjoyable, sometimes we just stick to them. When tired of it, we start looking for an alternative, and start switching the frequency, and end up at a new channel which may soon become a favourite. So, am I explaining about changing the radio station frequency, in this blog named “Frequency Travel”?

No! I’m talking about life, Our Life! We are living our life in a world that is tuned at a particular frequency, just like the radio channel. We believe that the world, perhaps the universe, is vibrating at a frequency, and so do the other universes at other different frequencies. Switching the channel on the radio is simple unlike which we cannot change our life or the world we are living in, at our wish. We are forced to live, or to be precise, we are stuck in the particular frequency, where we live. Life will not be happy at all times, and we might crave to taste all flavours of them, like misery, anger, fear, sex, and much more.

What would happen if someone, probably me, wanted to change the frequency of the world I’m living in, and wanted to go to some other different frequency world.

Where is the other world located right now? Well, it is located in the same place, and in the same time, but just in a different frequency. For instance, if we are sitting in a room, we perceive things that exist in the same frequency of ours, but not the things that are vibrating at a different frequency. The other worlds with different frequency are still located in the same room, but we do not feel their presence.

How does the other world/universe or whatever the term, look like? Will it be a replica of our world? There is a 0.000001% possibility for two parallel worlds (vibrating in different frequencies) to be alike. There will be a dinosaur sleeping in the other world exactly in the same room as you are right now, if the comet hadn’t hit 65 million years ago. Or even worse, that world might be more advanced technologically and machines would dominate human and we would have become their slaves, or the world is still in the stone age.

But how do we go to the other frequency world? Well everything in the particular frequency world will be vibrating in the same frequency as they are. So if I could change the vibration of any item, then it would not exist in the current world, and appear in the same location and in same time of the new world that matches its vibration. And be careful when you do these experiments, do it with the things that you hate the most. Once lost, you cannot find it until you actually go to that frequency world.

So what would it be like for a human to change, or tune to a specific frequency and start living the life in the world that matches it. When life in a single world can be exhausting at times, what would it be like when you are forced to live in parallel worlds? How about switching to the other world when we had bad times? This very thought came across my mind when I was driving to my office on some usual bored day. That was when my imagination kicked-in and I got a lot of scary ideas, which I eventually ended up compiling into a fiction story. The protagonist gets stuck between two worlds, that are polar opposites and leading a double life is not an easy task for him. By characterising him, I dug deeper into the very thought of us living a dual life with frequency travel.

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Shanmuga Boopathy
Writer for

Author | co-author of DuOrb, a science fiction suspense thriller