Future of Food

Anastasiya Kulish
Published in
6 min readSep 26, 2018

#ourfuture_ua #civilsocietycooperation #youthplatform #smr #frohngo #publishyourself

“Tell me what you eat, and I’ll tell you who you are” — this statement has long become winged. Such a formula was brought out by well-known expert of the Japanese Nutrition Association Noriko Curiaima, looking for a long time in plates to people.

Maybe we can assume the same for a society: Tell me how you treat food and I tell you about the future of your society.

We consume a lot of products without thinking about the future, they say, that will be — it will be. But what will happen? How will the food, food and general food of the average person change in the future? Food of the future — what is it? Four experts talk on the future of food.

Vladislava Zyatkevich, Severodonetsk, is an organizer of various culinary master classes, receptions and banquets.

“In the future, food will be in tubes“

- Do you think food will change in the future?

- Congratulations. So, food has already begun to change, evolve in all the meanings of the word, ranging from quality and to the appearance. Also, we pay a lot of attention to the aesthetic aspect, serving of dishes, etc. Food is like a trend, it’s fashionable to eat good food and cook it. I believe that in the future our food will resemble the food of cosmonauts, something close to the molecular kitchen, when at the molecular level decompose products, changing their structure.

- And a question that I can not ask. Will the course of time affect the Ukrainian national cuisine? How exactly

- It is worth noting that Ukrainian cuisine goes to the world level, because we have very fertile lands. Also, our kitchen at the present stage has some influence from France, therefore, I believe that in the future such a French-Ukrainian duo will bring its fruits and Ukrainian national cuisine will become popular all over the world.

Natalia Tarapata — organizer of festivals and seminars on healthy eating. She shared somewhat different views on the situation that is now and about the possible future of human nutrition.

“Changes in nutrition are possible due to changes in consciousness.”

- Will the foods that we eat every day change in the future?

- The fact is that the food is organic and natural. Today, we have Eco and Bio stores, which are, in fact, an exception, because most people go to supermarkets after work and buy themselves or semi-finished products, or so-called “junk food” — fast food. Thanks to all of these educational and entertainment destinations, as mentioned earlier, the question arises: what does a person choose consciously, herself? This shows that her children are eating. That is why someone will have breakfast cereals with milk or candied yogurt, which of course is not useful … On the contrary, parents who will learn to eat and eat, for example, eggs, salads, bread of no higher quality, but richer, — they will teach these children.

- So, do you think that changes in nutrition (quality of products, etc.) depend on changes in human consciousness?

- Yes, for sure, because the children learn from their parents. They also learn from the environment, but if each family has a culture of proper consumption of food, there will be changes as well. We are not talking about the right food as a whole, since such, as well as one hundred percent ecological, does not exist at all. However, we can always choose among what we have. We can choose a more useful product or less harmful. If grown-ups begin to think about it, then their children will start the same way. Therefore — yes, the changes depend on consciousness.

- How can the flow of time affect Ukrainian national cuisine?

-Here you must first understand who creates this national cuisine. Because, if we are talking about consciousness, it should be noted that more and more people refuse such a method of cooking Ukrainian dishes, like frying. We have potatoes, pancakes, fried in oil … We have a wonderful cuisine if we are talking about borsch, but if we changed all these panpugs and pies for at least whole grain flour — it would be much healthier. I offer a lot of recipes, how it can be changed, and a large number of hostesses use them. I believe that just from fried in the future people will refuse. If each host has such traditions to apply, then there may also be changes at the national level.

LinYee Yuan, designer, journalist and editor of the magazine “MOLD”. The design of the “Future of Food” described how she sees the food situation in the future.

“Transparency of information“

-20 years on Earth will live 9 billion people. How can we feed them all? Is it possible that humanity will be left without food at all because of the overpopulation of the planet?

- I believe that in the design of the table, we have the opportunity to consider our future food crisis by developing three parameters: proximity, transparency and renewable agricultural systems that can be large-scale. At the moment, we have the opportunity to feed people if we did not spend 1/3 of the food we produce!

- Should we be afraid of genetically modified products or do they give a chance?

Genetically modified foods, like any technological or biological progress, do not have a clear black or white response. I believe that the most important thing is to ensure transparency in this process and to enable us, as consumers, to have access to the information necessary to make informed choices.

- Will we eat only molecular food or something else? Why?

- No, I hope that this is not our future about food. Food will always be rooted with pleasure, joy, culture and memory. Apart from sex, this is the only thing we do that affects all our feelings, so any conversation about the future of food should be based on the development and satisfaction of feelings.

Topi Kaienius, Finland, is a chef and author of his own site about the preparation and consumption of insects.

“Insects can become our” spare option “, but I do not want to eat them every day.”

- How does someone react when he or she first saves an insect?

- In the West, we have no tradition of feeding insects. So, when we see an insect, we are first frightened and then feel disgusted. The first idea is not to eat it. The first reaction often resembles the fact that a person has to overcome some psychological barriers. It requires courage, and this is the most common reaction. I know people who can not eat the whole insect, but they know about the benefits of insects as food, so they prefer to choose those types of products where they do not see the entire insect, such as chocolate bars. I organized various events, and there was, as a rule, some kind of “normal” food — meatballs, crackers, something else — for those who do not want to see the entire insect, but wants to eat something like that. And there were also whole insects cooked. So, for everyone there was food — for those who want to eat the whole insect, as well as for those who do not like to see insects.

- Can insects be our backup option in case of excessive overpopulation of the planet and lack of resources?

“For twenty years, we will have 9 billion people on Earth, and it is impossible to materially distribute all food around the globe.” We produce a lot in the western countries, but in other parts of the Earth — a famine. We must find ways to grow sustainable food around the planet. So, I think insects can be such a “spare option”. This is one of the solutions. I do not want to see the future when we eat only insects. I love them, but I would not like to eat only insects. And, fortunately, we have some other really good alternatives, such as the use of plants and bio-farming … There are many solutions. Insects are not the only solution, but it is also very important.

How many people are so many thoughts. We can only make assumptions about what we will eat after 10, 20, 50 years. We do not know at 100% what our future will be, but we can choose how it can be, every other second is already the future.

P.S. This article was first published in the new youth magazine” Zaraz”, which was created during international workshop “Our Future” in Severodonetsk and Lutsk.



Anastasiya Kulish
Writer for

Journalist, has two cats, loves Imagine Dragons and Netflix