Gaza: A Battle for Survival

Nada Shawky
Published in
5 min readOct 15, 2023
Created by Mohammad Sabaaneh

Darkness engulfs Gaza. The deafening thunder of missiles and bombs falling from the sky shatters the tranquility of the night. Wails of grief and anguish pierce the air as families mourn their loved ones buried beneath the rubble. This is the harrowing reality that the people of Gaza face every day as they wage a battle for their very survival.

As I watch the horrors unfold on my TV screen in the comfort of my home, I cannot fathom the trauma and terror that mothers, fathers, and little children endure in Gaza. My heart breaks as I imagine the agony of parents putting their kids to bed, not knowing if they'll live to see the sunrise. This is no way for anyone to live.

38-year-old Alaa tells of the nightmare he faced when returning home after buying groceries, only to find his home destroyed and his family obliterated. In an instant, his life was shattered beyond repair. Alaa’s story is one among countless others facing unfathomable despair in Gaza.

Entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble. Hospitals overflow with the dying and wounded, desperately lacking basic medical supplies. The 1.8 million people packed into Gaza's cramped confines have nowhere to run or hide when missiles rain down. It's an onslaught of devastation.

As the world watches in silence, in just six days, 6,000 bombs were dropped on this tiny strip of land, obliterating entire neighborhoods and claiming countless innocent lives. This is not just a crisis—it is ethnic cleansing, and if left unchecked, it will become genocide like the Holocaust.

As a caring human, you must be wondering like me - how can we stand idly by as innocents are slaughtered? This is a fight for the survival of mothers, fathers, sons and daughters. If we don't speak out, who will?

The Children of Gaza deserve a future filled with hope, not devastated by trauma. They deserve to play, learn, and laugh like any other child. Right now, the spotlight must turn to the plight of the little ones growing up in a war zone through no fault of their own. It's our responsibility to give them that chance.

"A Darkness Descends on Gaza"

Israeli warplanes remove entire blocks from the map in Gaza |

The electricity crisis in Gaza plunged the entire Strip into darkness a few days ago, cutting off the lives and voices of two million people trapped behind the blockade. Without power, most homes sat in utter silence, lit only by flickering candles that did little to curb the rising fears in this isolated coastal enclave.

But beyond the loss of light and appliances, this power outage cut deep in ways few could see. As Gaza's internet infrastructure flickered and died along with the electric grid, a blackout of information descended upon the Strip. Families no longer saw distant loved ones over video calls. Journalists found their most critical tool for getting the truth out suddenly switched off.

In one fell swoop, the blockade had silenced an entire population. Gaza was rendered invisible to the outside world just as violence and unrest often flare in darkness. With phones useless and satellite dishes inactive, the 2 million souls trapped there truly felt cut off from all humanity. No means remained to plead their case or show mounting hardships like dwindling medical supplies during this war.

People around the globe are uniting in an empassioned plea - end the bombing of civilians. Open borders to allow aid trucks to enter. Restore power, clean water and medicine to Gaza. Not tomorrow, not next week, but now - before more innocent lives are lost. We cannot stay silent and wait.

The Urgent Call: Rise Up, Speak Out

Gaza children are 43.2% of the population under the age of 15 and Israel has been withholding water, food and electricity for a week |

Speak out on social media. Contact your political leaders. Join the Jewish Voice for Peace campaign calling on Congress to stop providing funding to Israel army. Donate to provide emergency medical aid through reputed organizations.

Channel your compassion into action, however small it may be. If we raise our voices as one unshakeable chorus, the reverberations will be too powerful to ignore. We can create real change.

To my brothers and sisters in Gaza facing unimaginable horrors, you are not alone. We stand with you. Your lives matter. Your dreams matter. Your children matter. Rest assured that we will not stop fighting until your basic human rights and freedoms are restored.

There is light beyond this darkness. Hold onto hope, hold onto each other. You are the roses that bloom even amidst the rubble and wreckage. May you see brighter days soon. Gaza, we will not stay silent - your cries are heard around the world. Stay strong.

We must declare our rejection of this war and demand that it be stopped to save the rest of the innocent civilians, women and children’s lives belonging to both sides.

History will judge us by the actions we take today.



Nada Shawky

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