Germany’s Intelligence Says NATO in War By 2025.

Secret Documents Show Attack on Europe, By Russian Forces.

That Guy, Noah


Several apocalyptic German documents have been published recently, which predict that Russia and NATO will be at war by the year 2025. This is not a theory, it is based on the information that Germany has retrieved from Russia. I would like to point out, that this is nothing new. As Russian politicians have told the Baltic States, and Poland that they are next. Having the very own Russian people who are in high governmental positions saying these things, only makes matters worse.

The government of Germany knew this information for a very long time, which has led them to deploy a permanent German brigade in Lithuania, which will become operational by the year 2025. You heard it right. Germany was led to deploy the brigade to deter the threat that Russia posses to the Eastern flank. There are a lot of individuals who blame the West for causing problems with Russia, however, that was never the case.

Russia withdrew itself from the CFE treaty, which was created to protect the world from large conflicts. The treaty limited the amount of weapons both the West and Russia could manufacture. Neither the West nor Russia wanted to let each side produce weapons while having no limit placed on their maximum quantities. The…



That Guy, Noah
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Writer on Russo-Ukraine war, always sharing two sides of the story. Ukraine's fight for freedom and democracy supporter.