Goodbye Beans, Hello Molecular Coffee

No beans, no bitterness, just the perfect cup of coffee.



Photo by Daniel Reche from Pexels

Ordering a coffee has become a chore. You’re bombarded with questions. Milk or cream? Sugar? How many packets? We know the answers, and respond in a robotic tone, but have you ever stopped to think why we cut our coffee with these added ingredients? For most of us, it’s probably to mask the bitterness or any other off-flavors in the brew.

The idea of molecular coffee is to create the perfect brew by building it flavor molecule by flavor molecule. Handpicking exactly what compounds are included, and no longer relying on coffee beans as the source.

Think about it, coffee is simply a black liquid containing hundreds of chemical compounds that give the product its characteristic flavor and aroma. We enjoy some of these flavors, like nutty or caramelized, while others can make us cringe. Molecular coffee could effectively eliminate any acidic or bitterness often seen in current products made from the bean. That means no more milk, cream, or sugar needed to tame these off-flavors.

The idea of molecular coffee was proposed by a start-up named Atomo Coffee. Their goal is to create the first molecular coffee by mapping out all the chemicals in “normal” coffee, and decipher which are important for flavor. This is quite…




I’m a food scientist by PhD, a science writer, and a YouTuber. I’m fascinated by food science and enjoy writing and sharing what I’ve learn.