GPT-3 imagined this introductory book about programming in JavaScript

Amazed at the power of these technologies

LucianoSphere (Luciano Abriata, PhD)


Edited by author Luciano Abriata from a photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

I simply asked GPT-3’s new model, called Davinci3, to help me draft the contents of an article, book, or course about programming, starting from scratch, using the JavaScript language.

This was the answer:

I. Introduction
A. Benefits of Programming
B. Overview of JavaScript, and why use it to start programming

II. Basic Syntax
A. Variables
B. Data Types
C. Operators

III. Control Flow
A. Conditional Statements
B. Loops

IV. Functions
A. Defining Functions
B. Parameters and Arguments
C. Returning Values

V. Arrays
A. Creating and Accessing Arrays
B. Iterating Through Arrays
C. Array Methods

VI. Objects
A. Creating Objects
B. Accessing Properties
C. Object Methods

VII. DOM Manipulation
A. Document Object Model
B. Accessing and Manipulating Elements
C. Event Listeners

VIII. Debugging
A. Common Debugging Tools
B. Troubleshooting Tips

IX. Conclusion
A. Recap of JavaScript Concepts
B. Resources for Further Learning

Quite good, eh! I’m sure it could also…



LucianoSphere (Luciano Abriata, PhD)
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