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Has NASA Cracked Fusion Energy?

NASA’s novel new technology may unlock the ultimate clean energy.

Will Lockett
Published in
6 min readMar 11, 2022


When you think of NASA you might envisage the Moon landings, voyager space probes or the Hubble telescope. But for NASA to push humanity deeper into the enigma of space they need cutting edge technology. Over the past few decades NASA engineers have invented everything from cochlear implants to scratch-resistant lenses and even the memory foam in your mattress. But in recent years NASA engineers have stumbled across something profound. An entirely new and revolutionary method of fusion that seems to solve all of the current problems with this potentially planet-saving technology. So has NASA just cracked fusion energy?

Before we dive into NASA’s fantastic invention let’s look at the current methods, why they have significant problems and why fusion power could save the world.

Nuclear fusion is the process of forcing two atoms together with so much force that they fuse into a single, larger atom and, in doing so, release an incredible amount of energy. But it does take a lot of energy to get even the lightest atoms to fuse. For example, nuclear fusion powers our Sun, but only in the very core of the star under insane temperatures and pressures does hydrogen fuse, which is the easiest element to fuse.



Will Lockett

Independent journalist covering global politics, climate change and technology. Get articles early at