Healing Our Planetary Amnesia

Phyllis Rawley
Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2020
Self Knowledge, Gerd Altmann

Our planet has a collective memory loss. It’s no surprise since conquering armies killed the intellectuals and burned the libraries. It’s like being orphaned here without parental history. Yet, we humans don’t like to sit around in the dark for long.

Our anthropologists, religious, political and cultural stories gave us their best revisionist history. A selective piecing together of our story depending on where you live. They are all good stepping stones and I’m glad somebody did the work. It’s like a puzzle, making sense of the past so we can better understand who and what we can be.

And with each generation, we learn something new. But, stay too long in those past stories, makes us go extinct faster.

We, humans, are often manipulated into consumption, war, religious fervor, and selfish pursuits. But we are also altruistic, curious and when not provoked a gentle species. Our lack of self-awareness is most evident in the intentional dumbing down by our leaders.

Religions gave us comfort in our amnesia. We called the mysterious God(s) to give us an explanation of the behaviors of humans and nature. We labeled it good or bad depending on who was in charge. And what we didn’t like, we improved with science, medicine, and engineering.

And like all good social scientists, we studied ourselves. We understood that knowing ourselves unlocked keys for better living. It’s an individual journey of remembrance.

“ True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves and the world around us.” Socrates

There are over 45 different self-knowledge or psychometrics systems on earth. Our ancestors developed these almanacs for humans to understand our natural selves. Western, Mayan, Taoist and Vedic Astrology, Human Design, Myers Briggs, Princeton Review, etc. are a few of these older and newer tools.

And it doesn’t matter where you start to look but look up yourself. Start anywhere. Use them as mirrors to know yourself better. You will like yourself more.

You’re an independent thinker and this is just like another religion, you say? I remind you that we are all biomechanical beings. With very little diversity even in our exterior color and size. Psychometrics includes the reading of the eyes as in iridology, tongues in Chinese medicine, feet, hands, face, and butt. And by knowing your blood type you can better regulate your dietary needs. We’re quite readable.

There are also five neural clusters of intelligence or brains in our bodies. Spiritual centered in the pineal and pituitary glands, intellectual housed in the brain, emotional and directional in the heart, gut or instinctual in the organs and sexual intelligence. Their health and function are subject to the same muscular and dietary needs of the rest of our bodies.

The best navigational tool for life is to know yourself on more levels. We know this much about ourselves: we are a creative species. The Mayans said the purpose of Humans is to create art. And that formula is Time x Energy (or focus) = Art.

Rewriting your story is much easier when you know your nature. Creating based on who you are instead of the limits of what we are told: sinner, a worker, a gender, or worse uneducated. Remember there is no one type fits all in religions, art or sexual satiation. Creating your personal and collective reality is your right and responsibility. And as all the good Yogis say, the answers are within.

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better do better.” Maya Angelou

Bonus tip: As consciousness spreads across the planet, we are freed from the subjective fates of our natures. Change is easier. Or in other words when you know the rules then you can break them. Psychometric tools help you get the game rules for yourself. Because your story is not finished, keep writing.



Phyllis Rawley

Know Thyself More. Conscious living and loving coach. A retired Dominatrix, and former missionary. Oracle Duties at phyllisrawley.com