Higgs Boson in Simple Words

The universe wouldn’t exist without the Higgs Boson.

Tasnim Anas
8 min readMar 28, 2021


Higgs Boson
Photo by Alex Andrews from Pexels

4th July 2012, CERN announces the existence of the much-awaited Higgs Boson AKA God Particle. And with this, a new chapter is unveiled in physics. At the same time, some important questions related to the existence of the universe were answered. But what is this God Particle? Why is this name?

When you think about the creation and existence of the universe, the idea of Particle and Force first comes to your mind. The whole world is standing on these two main foundations. From small objects to large-sized galaxies, everything is a sum of particles. The functional forces between them have stabilized the whole world. This is the universe we live in, driven by particles and force.

The Standard Model of Elementary Particles

The Standard Model of Elementary Particle. (Source: CERN)

If you want to understand about Particle, naturally the basic partiality comes first. Basic Particles are those particles that can no longer be broken into small parts. Such as the electron. On the other hand, protons and neutrons are not basic parts. They are made of multiple quarks. According to the information known so far, the quark is the fundamental conclusion. Physicists have set up a standard model to easily understand this vast world of corners. This is called the Standard Model of Elementary Particles. Particle physicists created this model in the 70s of the last century. This model is a public-accepted theory in the scientific field to get the idea of the nature of basic cells and their behavior with basic forces.

According to this model, all the basic cells are divided into two main parts. The name of one part is ‘Fermion’ and the name of the other is ‘Boson’. Fermion Particle is the ‘building block’ of this universe. They are the ones who form all objects (matter) by meeting each other. On the other hand, the Boson is the basic force particle. They carry basic forces and control how and where the forces work.

1. Fermion: The building block

Fermions are divided into two categories in thick spots — Quark and Lepton. Quark again six types: up, down, top, bottom, charm, and strange. On the other hand, electrons and their breeds are included in Lepton. The main difference between quirks and leptons is that quarks feel strong forces, but leptons don’t.

2. Boson: The Force particle

We have already known that the basic force cells are boson Particles. These are Graviton, Photon, Gluon, and W-Z Boson. The four basic force-gravitational forces are, electrical magnetic force, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force. Graviton is considered the carrier of gravitational force, though no confirmed evidence of the existence of this particle has yet to be found. But scientists think that this particle must exist.

The photon among other bosons carries magnetic energy and the gluon carries strong nuclear forces, holding together between neutrons and proton-nucleus. On the other hand, W and Z Boson are responsible for weak nuclear forces. Causing beta-decay in the radiant nucleus. There’s another type of boson particle called Higgs Boson. This is the main point of our discussion.

The existence of the Higgs Particle was first discovered in 2012. But in the sixties of the last century, these Higgs predicted about the cells, including Peter Higgs, a few other physicists. But we have to look at the pages of history to find out how it was possible to predict such a particle.

3. Mass: Another reason for the existence of the universe

The thing that comes first after the concept of force and particle is the mass that is a major reason for the existence of the universe. Objects are formed by particles, again, this universe is formed by numerous objects. Thus, if there were no mass of objects and particles, nothing big or small could have been formed in the universe. So where does the mass come from in these basic parts of object forming (that can no longer be broken)? Again, not every particle has mass. As if there is no mass of photons. Scientists couldn’t understand why some sub is related to atomic cell mass and some are not filled.

The Higgs field

The Higgs Field (Source: CERN)

In 1964, a British physicist named Peter Higgs presented the concept of a field that could relate to the existence of the universe. That hypothetical field is called the Higgs field. The universe is covered in huge Higgs fields according to this concept. The interaction that the basic cells engage in with the field is the mass when crossing this field. Some Particles act more with Higgs fields and gain more mass while some Particles gain relatively less mass with less action.

Pond water can be imagined as a Higgs field for easy understanding. If a fish is released into the water, the fish can easily move forward by separating the water. Because his size is smaller, he will be less in contact with water and less interrupted. On the other hand, a man’s body will come in contact with more water due to oversize; Higgs fields can be said to gain more mass. But getting bigger doesn’t only gain more mass, but it depends on how much the object works with the Higgs field. For example, Photon particles do not engage in any interaction with the field when crossing the field. This makes the photon not gain any mass. Quarks on the other hand engage in direct interaction with the field when crossing this field, resulting in mass.

The relationship between the Higgs Boson and the Higgs field

The Higgs Field (Source: CERN)

So how is Higgs Boson related to Higgs Field? In quantum physics, basic cells are considered fields instead of being considered cells or waves. That means all the basic parts have different fields. The entire universe is covered in such different fields and these fields are interacting with each other. If you can excite these fields, the particles or waves associated with that field will come out. And only then we can observe it. For example, exciting a magnetic field brings out photons. Similarly, Higgs Boson is a part of the Particle related to the Higgs field. This is the smallest part of Higgs Field. If we look at the example of water again, we will all admit that water is an uninterrupted medium. Water is formed by numerous molecules, but, apparently, there is no gap in water. Similarly, Higgs Field is an uninterrupted field formed by countless Higgs Boson Particles.

When Peter Higgs gave the idea of Higgs Field, it wasn’t recognized, not because there was a mathematical mistake. Rather, no one could digest the fact that the invisible field is giving force to the particles. But it didn’t stop Peter Higgs. There has been a lot of research based on the mathematical equation he gave, but the Higgs Boson was not found. How much energy is required to excite a field depends on the mass of the particle associated with that field. Higgs Boson is more mass than photons. Again, Higgs becomes a different particle as soon as they create a particle. This is why the Higgs Particle was almost impossible to find.

Existence of the Higgs field

Existence of the Higgs Field (Source: CERN)

The world’s largest particle accelerator device — LHC (Large Hadron Collider) was built in 2008 LHC, CERN’s largest Particle Accelerator with a tube about 27 kilometers long. Two reversible-charged proton beams collide at almost light (99.9 c/o) speed with the help of thousands of powerful magnets inside it. The clash caused a situation just like the Big Bang, causing the subatomic pellets to emerge. Since Higgs is an invisible field, it is not possible to observe it directly. So clashes like this lead to a stir at Higgs Field which causes Higgs to sprinkle. The problem was Higgs Particles become decay in a very short time of formation. So scientists keep looking for this Decay Pattern derived from the equation in experimental data. But still, the job wasn’t easy.

Finally, from the LHC exam results on July 4, 2012, a new particle was found to be almost equivalent to the conceptual mass of Higgs. The result is to ensure the existence of that desired Higgs particle. Scientists at CERN when they announced they found the Higgs Boson, they actually proved Peter Higgs proposed Higgs field existed. British physicist Peter Higgs and Belgian physicist Fransoa Englert were awarded the Nobel Prize in 2013 for predicting such a cell.

Getting evidence of Higgs Boson and Higgs Field is an important discovery for the entire physics. No nuclear formation would be possible without the Higgs field. Which means the universe wouldn’t exist. The Higgs field is different from other force fields. The quality of this field is equal everywhere. So getting a clear idea about the Higgs field would make it easier to disclose all the other mysteries of the world. Another important reason is that Higgs is also different from other basic particles. It’s the only cell that has no spin. Before, without mathematical equations, such results have never been achieved in reality. This is why Higgs Boson is so important.

Why is it called ‘God particle’?

The God Particle Book

By now we’ve realized Higgs Boson and Higgs Field confirm a big reason for the existence of this universe, but it has nothing to do with the existence of God. So how is it called ‘God Particle’?
Actually, this is an accident! Scientists realized that the Higgs field must exist. Because otherwise the standard model of physics of a particle does not get complete and the reason for the mass gain of basic cells cannot be explained. So since Peter Higgs got the idea, scientists have been trying to find this particle. But it wasn’t found at all. Meanwhile, in the early nineties another Nobel-winning physicist, Leo Laderman, wrote a book based on the Higgs Boson titled ‘The Goddam Particle’. But the publisher thought the 'dam' part was unreal and named the book ‘The God Particle’. Since then, the Higgs Boson is known to most people as God Particle.



Tasnim Anas

Tasnim Ur Rahaman Anas, a Software Engineer in Dhaka