History and Working of Telescopes

A telescope is an optical instrument that is used to make distant objects, such as stars and planets, appear nearer.

Muhammad Raza Khan


Hubble Space Telescope (Photo by NASA on Unsplash)

The word telescope is derived from two Greek words “tele” and “skopien”. Tele means “far” and Skopein means “to see”. So, telescope means “far-seeing”. It is designed in a way that focuses on the desired object and captures the light coming from that object. Stars, planets, asteroids, and a lot of stuff that we can’t clearly see with the naked eye can be easily seen through telescopes. It is a very important tool in astronomy. Without telescopes, we can’t study astronomical objects. But how this instrument was invented and how does a telescope work? In this article, you will learn the history of telescopes, their types, and their working mechanisms.

History of Telescopes:

Though telescopes are the instrument that is helping us to unravel the mysteries of the universe, their invention is still a mystery. In the late 1500s, glassmaking and lens grinding techniques were improved and it was that time when it is suspected that the idea of holding two lenses in a way that can magnify objects which are farther away.

Hans Lippershey was the first person who applied for a patent for a telescope. In 1608, he made a…



Muhammad Raza Khan

Astronomy enthusiast, programmer, and tech-nerd. To support my writings become a medium member https://muhammadrazaa.medium.com/membership