Homo Sapiens is Not Earth’s Natives

We always seek into night sky searching for extraterrestrial life. The Assumptions is we are native to earth. But what if not? What if homo sapiens is actually not native inhabitant of earth?

Rudi Widiyanto
4 min readSep 3, 2023


Photo by Carlos Kenobi on Unsplash

Human beings, in this term Homo sapiens, have always gazed into the night sky to search for life in outer space, hoping to know their place among the vast universe. They have sent probes and rovers to explore other planets and moons, they have listened for radio signals from distant stars, they have searched for signs of water and oxygen in exoplanets. Until now, there is no conclusive evidence of extraterrestrial life. But what if humans, the Terrans, are actually the answer to their very own question? What if Homo sapiens are not native to Earth?

Panspermia Hypothesis

There is a theory about how life could have originated from outer space. It is called panspermia. It proposes that microscopic life-forms, such as bacteria or organic molecules, could be transported by space dust, meteoroids, asteroids, comets, or planetoids, and land on another planet, thus sparking life elsewhere.

This theory is not widely accepted by mainstream scientists, and there are many challenges and questions for it. For example:

  • How did life survive the harsh conditions of space and the impact of landing on another planet?
  • How did life adapt to the different environment and chemistry of another planet?
  • How did life evolve into the diversity and complexity we see today?
  • How can we distinguish between terrestrial and extraterrestrial life forms?

However, some scientists and enthusiasts still support this theory and try to find evidence for it. For example:

  • They analyze the genetic similarities and differences between Earth life and potential extraterrestrial life.
  • They search for signs of life or biosignatures on other planets or moons in our solar system or beyond.
  • They study the origin and distribution of organic molecules in space and on Earth.
  • They experiment with simulated space environments and artificial meteorites to test the survivability and viability of life.

What if panspermia was the process that brought Homo sapiens to Earth and made them wanderers on this planet? It is not like a Superman baby traveling through space, but a small substance that symbioted with one of the hominin species. Then one of its descendants, Homo sapiens, made a good symbiosis with this substance.

Human Evolution

Homo sapiens are the only surviving species of the genus Homo, which diverged from other hominins about 2 million years ago in Africa. Homo sapiens have several distinctive features that set them apart from other hominins, such as larger brains, more complex culture, higher cognitive abilities, and more genetic diversity and adaptability.

These features are often attributed to mutations and natural selection that occurred over millions of years of human evolution. Mutations are random changes in DNA sequences that can create new variants or alter existing ones. Natural selection is the process by which some genetic variants increase or decrease in frequency depending on their effects on fitness (survival and reproduction).

However, why did these mutations and natural selection only happen in Homo sapiens and not in other sister hominin species? Why did all the beneficial mutations accumulate in one species and make it the dominant species on Earth today? Some of the genetic variants that gave Homo sapiens an advantage over other hominins are:

  • The AMY1 gene, which codes for an enzyme that breaks down starch in saliva. Homo sapiens have more copies of this gene than other hominins, which may have helped them digest starchy foods such as tubers and grains.
  • The LCT gene, which codes for an enzyme that breaks down lactose in milk. Most mammals lose the ability to digest lactose after weaning, but some Homo sapiens have a mutation that allows them to continue producing this enzyme into adulthood. This mutation may have originated in populations that domesticated cattle and consumed dairy products.
  • The ASPM and MCPH1 genes, which are involved in brain development and size. Homo sapiens have mutations in these genes that may have increased their brain size and cognitive abilities. These mutations may have occurred after the divergence from Neanderthals and Denisovans.
  • The FOXP2 gene, which is involved in speech and language. Homo sapiens have a mutation in this gene that may have improved their vocal control and communication skills. This mutation may have also occurred after the divergence from Neanderthals and Denisovans, although some evidence suggests that Neanderthals may have also had a similar mutation.

Alien Origin

What if the panspermia hypothesis is right all along? What if the substance that came from outer space had slipped into one of the hominin species and gathered into Homo sapiens? What if this substance gave Homo sapiens an edge over other hominins by enhancing their brain size, genetic diversity, and adaptability?

Perhaps the urge of Homo Sapiens to gaze into the night sky is a feeling of missing their home planet. Perhaps the feeling of awe when seeing a nebula is the feeling of seeing child home. We are stardust from supernova. All along we are aliens we try searching for.

This text is an exploration of opinion and imagination, although some of it is not scientifically proven. But in the sake of a possibility just slightly above zero, it is worth considering.

Human beings may not be native to Earth. We may be the result of panspermia from outer space.

We may be the aliens we are looking for.



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Rudi Widiyanto

Psych Graduate who love to observe life, diving into astronomy, and riding fast-evolving AI. What's yours?