How failure feeds creativity.

How to Win
Published in
5 min readJan 13, 2024


Being right all the time is killing creativity. And this will get worse with AI. Learn why in the blog below.

To be brilliant in creativity you will fail more than you succeed. This failure will be the wrong answer to the problem you are solving.

For creativity to work its brilliance, you will need to generate a lot of bad ideas to get to the good ones. You do this to get the best idea for a particular problem.

But today more than ever, everyone wants to hear only the right idea. And this is killing creativity in businesses. Has your manager ever said to me don’t bring me problems bring me solutions? Well, this could be a fundamentally flawed piece of advice, because problems require intelligent investigation, not a rush for the first answer that feels right.

And I get it, we are busy. I am busy too. But being busy is a really poor excuse for being lazy when it comes to creativity.

It’s a cultural thing.

The West has gone from a culture of progress to one of worry; the frequency of terms related to progress and the future has dropped by 25% since the 1960s, while ones related to concerns and worries have surged significantly. This needs to change, we need to change it.



How to Win

The business interpreter. I take jargon and make it pleasurable to read.