How Scientifically Accurate Is Interstellar?

The science behind Hollywood’s blockbuster sci-fi spectacle

Christa Brian


“Interstellar,” — the 2014 movie by famous director Christopher Nolan, is well-loved for many reasons: its all-star cast, breathtaking visuals, catchy music, and most importantly, its bold exploration of interesting scientific ideas. The movie takes us on a journey through black holes, wormholes, and even five-dimensional spaces — things that sound like they belong in a science class rather than a Hollywood movie.

However, Nolan’s film is not just another science fiction movie. Instead of brushing aside scientific truth for the sake of an entertaining story, “Interstellar” tries to balance scientific honesty with the thrill of cinema. It uses real scientific ideas to tell an exciting and thought-provoking story. But how accurately do these scientific theories reflect our current understanding of the universe?

Gravitational Time Dilation

“Interstellar” introduces us to a fascinating concept known as gravitational time dilation. This theory from Einstein’s General Relativity tells us that gravity can influence time. Simply put, the stronger the gravity, the slower the time.



Christa Brian

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