How terrifying is the future of working in a grocery store?

Future? “Grocery stores belong to the 20th century”



Woman eating chips in supermarket
Photo by Edu Carvalho from Pexels

It’s widely known that Robots are taking over jobs previously occupied by humans. Many discussions are held regarding this interesting topic. People are often scared to become unemployed.

Gartner has conducted a lot of research into this topic. It was already predicted years ago that AI would create more jobs than it would take away; Gartner Article.

Having a background in software design and retail business sparked the following question; How will a future grocery store look like? Moreover, will grocery stores even continue to exist?

Note: some innovative ideas may already be quite normal in some countries across the world.

Check out without scanning

The most tedious part of doing groceries is of course the payment. Why would you need to take a product from the shelf, keep it safe for a few minutes in your basket, put it on the counter, and eventually (after payment) in your plastic bags?

The world of doing groceries would be much better off if you could take a product from the shelf directly into your own (non-plastic) bag. All bar codes are scanned upon exiting the store by walking…




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