How the Great Filter Could End the Search for Alien Life

Explore why, if this theory was proved true, the consequences could be deadly for humanity

Trevor Mahoney


Image by WikiImages from Pixabay

When Enrico Fermi posed his famous question: ‘where are the aliens?’, he received numerous answers in the years following. While most, such as the Hibernation or Zoo theory are awfully far fetched and in the realm of science fiction, there is one that stands out as possibly the most terrifying.

It’s not terrifying for the same reason as the Dark Forest theory which basically says there’s a giant civilization out there trying to kill us. No, the theory in question is terrifying because of how real and likely it actually is: the Great Filter theory.

To explain this theory and fully understand the depth to it, we must look at how society has evolved. Think of our history in steps:

Step 1: Basic single cells beginning to assemble in unique forms that create a backbone for the development of life.

Step 2: Those single cells start to be able to build new chemical structures, and use energy in new and efficient ways.

Step 3: Finally, multi-celled organisms begin to emerge and fantastic, albeit primitive, creatures arise from this change.



Trevor Mahoney

Studying Finance and Management Information Systems • Technology and Space Enthusiast • California Born