How To Get Started With Business Intelligence

It is obvious to know Business Intelligence before proceeding to data analysis.

Arpita Ghosh


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Nowadays we are facing one word most of the time, which is Business Intelligence. Now the question is what is Business Intelligence, why do we need this etc. There are lot many questions are in our mind.

In this blog, I am focusing on some key points which are necessary to understand if you want to get into this Business Intelligence world.

What is Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence
Image by Author

You can conclude that Business Intelligence is set of strategies, processes, product, application, data and technologies which transform raw data to useful information.

Why do we need Business Intelligence?

The top 7 reasons are following

  • Get Deeper insights into business operations
  • Improve productivity and efficiency
  • Informed decision making
  • Improve customer service and satisfaction
  • Streamline budgeting and…

