How to see particle smaller than light?…

Nexus Waves
Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2021

Subatomic particles are even smaller than light.

Everything around you is made up of atom. Atom is basically made up of Electrons and Nucleon. Nucleon is made by proton and neutron. Proton and Neutron are created by quark. Then quark is made up of ????

We can’t see the subatomic particles by which quark is made.

So what is the subatomic particles?

Particles smaller than atom is called subatomic. There are 31 fundamental or subatomic particles — electron neutrino, muon neutrino, tau neutrino, electron antineutrino, muon antineutrino, tau antineutrino, electron, muon, tau, positron antimuon, antitau, up quark, charm quark, top quark, up antiquark, charm antiquark, top antiquark, down quark, strange quark, bottom quark, down antiquark, strange antiquark, bottom antiquark, Higgs boson, photon, W boson, anti-W boson, Z boson, gluon, graviton.

When someone first see something smaller in quantum level?

In 2009, first time a single molecule was imaged. But how molecules got seen by visible light. Because we never seen it with the visible light. The wavelength of the visible light is too big than the molecules. 1 wavelength = 350 molecules. The image of molecule for the first time is made up of electron. First, we hit the molecule with electron then we read the reflection of electrons and made the image out of it.

How can we see even further?

In 2013, scientists imaged a single hydrogen atom by using Photo Ionization Microscopy. But it looks like that nucleus is surrounded by electrons but as we know hydrogen atom only contains one electron that means scientists pictured electron cloud instead of electron. This hydrogen picture was the smallest picture ever taken.

How scientists see the smallest particles now?

Scientists use Particle Collider to see further deep. Particle Collider was first used in 1960. When a particle moves fast that means it has smaller wavelength. We have the largest Particle Collider in Geneva, Switzerland. This thing sounds weird but it do extremely well. And this coest 30 billion dollars.

So, what is the conclusion?

The conclusion is that if you think to see the smallest particle. You can do two things.

First — Learn so much to be a scientist in Geneva, Switzerland.

Second — Build your own Particle Collider by 30 billion dollars.

I hope you choose the right one.



Nexus Waves

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