How to sell any affiliate products in your medium story

Doing it the right way

Virtual Dollar
3 min readFeb 8, 2024


First of all, if you are writing a post with the sole purpose of promoting the affiliate product,

Then stop doing it, it doesn’t work.

The readers can identify that you only want to sell the product nothing else,

You wanna do it in a way that buying the product or service was their idea in the first place

I’ve been studying sales and copywriting for the past 6 months

In this post, I’m going to give you one framework that you can use to sell any affiliate product

Be street-smart like Jesse

Sell the shovel when everyone is mining for gold

Some of you might have heard about this proverb but here i’m going to show you how to actually use it for your advantage

It’s about choosing the right product to pitch the right person at the right time

For eg, if you are in a weight loss niche you can sell high-protein recipes e-book to them

Because if someone wants to lose weight they gonna have to change their diet

You can help them by giving them the recipe book for them to learn how to cook high-protein low-carb meals at a cheap price

Now what if you want to sell a course or a service based product?

The way to sell service based products is to give them case studies

First you need to know what type of course are you promoting

Then find people who have used that service and gotten good results with it

(it doesn’t matter if the person is using the same service that you are promoting or not as long as he/she is using the same concept)

For eg, if you are promoting a make money online course and your course is about dropshipping

Find 2–3 people who is doing dropshipping and started from 0 and made it big

Use their success as proof to show your readers that dropshipping is the thing that is going to make them rich

Even Andrew Tate used the same strategy to sell this make money online course

(you like him or hate him but you gotta admit this guy knows how to sell)

Andrew made people believe that being poor or average is bad

The only way to be successful is to make money and be rich, and then he made a course teaching people how to be rich

It’s a simple concept but if you understand it and you know how to use it you can promote anything

Follow me if want to learn more of this kind of crazy sh*t.

On this medium account, I share whatever I learn, sharing the concept helps me understand it better

As Einstein said “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”

See you in the next one-

Virtual Dollars



Virtual Dollar

Interested in self improvement, business, making money. I like to learn all kinds of stuffs and I share whatever I learn