How to solve the fresh water crisis with clean energy desalination

Yatit Thakker
Published in
3 min readOct 2, 2020


Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

Clean energy is the first step in achieving carbon neutrality. This means energy from wind, solar, hydroelectric, and even nuclear power. Without clean energy transitioning our grid to renewable energy, humankind’s efforts at climate mitigation would be in vain. This transition has to be rapid and massive. All of the dirty sources of energy — coal, natural gas, and oil — have to be replaced with solar, wind, and/or nuclear energy.

For mountainous regions, hydroelectric power already provides a cheap and efficient alternative energy source. The alternative to this clean energy transition is consistent and widespread destruction of the large coastal cities across the world through natural disasters.

Benefits of a Clean Grid

Having a clean energy grid with over 90% of its energy coming from renewable sources unlocks several options for solutions to current climate challenges. In order to combat widespread drought and desertification, utilities will increasingly rely on drawing water from nearby oceans and removing all of its salt content. While the technology exists, it is currently very expensive to build and maintain.

This process of turning salt water into fresh water — called desalination — is very energy intensive. By making the…



Yatit Thakker

Renaissance Engineer. Entrepreneur. Passionate about technology, education, and the environment.