How Virtual Reality Can Be Used to Manage Pain

Using VR therapy as an analgesic for acute and chronic pain could be the solution to the rising opioid addictions

Leon Okwatch


Photo by Jessica Lewis on Unsplash

Chronic pain is one of the major reasons people seek medical counsel.

Yet, the available therapies are either ineffective for certain categories of pain or cause unbearable adverse effects.Virtual reality is emerging as a new, effective therapy to manage both acute and chronic pain naturally.

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual reality is a computer-generated simulation that allows the user to interact with an artificial 3D environment using electronic devices.

VR users are immersed in a 360° experience of the simulated environment. VR is popular with entertainment and gaming.

As science continues to advance, decades of research have sought to establish the efficacy of VR technology in the field of medicine.

VR therapy in pain management

VR therapy mitigates pain via a process called attention distraction.

Attention distraction involves shifting the patient’s awareness from the highly conspicuous sensation(pain) and consciously redirecting their…



Leon Okwatch

Blockchain enthusiast. Web3 writer passionate about dissecting the intricacies of the technology, word for word. Guided by abundance mindset+law of attraction.