How We Traded A Rationality Of A Genuine Human Life For The Climate Apocalypse

Mark Timberlake
Published in
4 min readOct 25, 2023


Eberhard Grossgasteiger: Unsplash

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The Enlightenment project intended to deliver us from the chains of religion to a secular, disenchanted world; instead, ours is a world of ‘misenchantment,’ Our present system is a successor faith, rather than a successor to faith, pretending to the status of immutable, impersonal laws of nature. The organisation of society, in service to the economic narrative and its dogma, is changing reality by way of totalitarian violence inflicted against the earth as it is reduced to material and energy inputs into a vast system of production — a single epoch in the evolution of a single species has brought the planet to the threshold of apocalypse.

This is a system allied to a degrading metaphysics of human nature that has almost completely eviscerated any hope for a rationality of a genuine human life. It involves the application of ‘Totalitarian terror’ to transform a habitable world into a nightmare reality.

The consciousness of non-modern societies was open to a synchronistic universe, a dynamic participatory relationship with the world, which communicated meaningfully to a receptive consciousness. The non-modern consciousness sensed, behind the visible, the invisible world: deeper, larger, and more…



Mark Timberlake

A quest for insights from subterranean depths. Seeker of ideas, awakenings, alchemy. Thoughts from a troubled star.