How Will the World Look Like in 2030?

More importantly: How will you prepare for this world?

Fahri Karakas


Photo by Obi Onyeador on Unsplash

We tend to think about the future, we tend to assume that most things will stay similar and trends will continue in a linear fashion. This is almost never the case. The world is changing drastically in front of our eyes.

2020 brought a lot of surprises and black swans in our lives — including the Coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent economic depression that looms around the world.

For sure, we will witness large-scale changes and unexpected events in the next decade. One of the biggest drivers of change will be exponential technologies. Wired experts talk of Mars colonies, a permanent moon base, accelerated genome sequencing, little nuclear power plants, and a possible climate apocalypse:

Image Credit: World Economic Forum; Image Source

Nowadays, we are witnessing a technological breakthrough almost every month. During August…



Fahri Karakas

Associate Professor in Business & Leadership at University of East Anglia. Passionate about doodling, imagination, and creativity. Author of Self-Making Studio.