Humane AI Pin: The latest King-Kong revolutionising the Mobile Tech Industry

Tosin Joseph
Published in
5 min readNov 16, 2023
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In my previous articles, have written on the impact of AI and how it will revolutionise many industries on an economic and societal trajectory. The mobile technology space is not left out. The mobile tech space is about to experience the expiration of something old and the birth of something new. All ideas (designs, features, spec, models or versions) definitely have an expiry date!, It takes deeper understanding and intuition to discern the signs of times in terms of what has expired, what needs to be disrupted and what’s next to be birthed! …what will come will come!

Over the years we have experience human communication from landlines to mobile phones and from mobile phones to more Sophisticated smart phones. Over the years, Apple have enjoyed its market dominance with its range of products like the iMac, iPads, iPhone and Apple Watches. However, there are bound to be more surprising disruptions of what has been on ground that will be powered by Artificial Intelligence.

With this current AI dispensation, innovative disruption is going to be very frequent and more and more innovative designs, models and features will be outsmarting each other among the big tech players within the industry. Something is about to shift…Brace up! Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

The Apple iPhone has been the king-Kong brand over the years in the mobile phone industry with its innovative design, market share and dominance, however; no one saw the humane AI Pin coming. The big question we should be asking now is: what is coming after the humane AI Pin? What kind of spec, design, model or brand of mobile device is coming next to disrupt the market ? Like I said…The battle for innovative supremacy just began. Watch out for more disruption in this industry! The next King-Kong in the mobile tech industry will be the one that can keep evolving with new innovative disruption that will sustain users brand loyalty. In the words of Imran Chaudhri and Bethany Bongiorno, Co-Founders, Humane AI“For us, Ai Pin is just the beginning”. The race has just began!

AI will drive the race for sophisticated AI-driven designs among many mobile device companies in the mobile industry. This period calls for strategic aligning and re-strategising among tech companies as there are bound to be casualties at the curve of every change. The launch of Humane AI Pin might just be a noiseless signal towards the shift from the usual screen and touch user experience and the birth of a screen-free, seamless and sensing user experience in mobile technology. Imran Chaudhri the co-founder of Humane AI Pin in his words “the future will not be held in your hand and it won’t be in your face either, the future of technology might almost be invisible”

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The humane AI Pin, a latest advancement in wearable technologies that may likely shake the mobile technology space comes with a beyond touch and beyond screen experience with users palm becoming a display for menus using the laser ink display. No doubt, the humane AI Pin is about to revolutionise the user experience in ways unimaginable.

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The launch of humane AI pin is definitely heralding the transitioning of the human technology relationship drifting beyond screen to something deeper. This experience will herald the reduction of physical engagement via touch, make users more focus or less distracted, from touch to voice prompt command to create an amazing user experience.

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With the AI Pin, text messages are compose from user voice prompts saving time on typing on keyboard. This will birth a better focus society with less distraction from mobile device engagement during typing, surfing the internet on phone etc with your finger on the touch pad, you can ask this device anything at anywhere.

I believe humane AI Pin will help us in the area of distraction management in this AI dispensation. It is designed in a way that you can choose who can reach you thus eliminating unnecessary distractions and alerting you on trusted contacts alone.

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If there is another major key features the humane AI pin is bringing to the table is it’s ability to provide healthy advice on food and nutritional decisions. With its in-built health assistant. This is an attestation to its design in culture shaping (how we live) as it can keep track of your nutritional intakes in terms of sugar or calories intakes etc. it’s capacity to calculate the sugar content in fruits or food substances and offer advice regarding such food consumption is commendable. I believe such capabilities will impact positively in the public health space in area of diabetes management and other public health related concerns. Imran Chaudhri and Bethany Bongiorno, Co-Founders, Humane AI said: “the Humane Ai Pin is the embodiment of our vision to integrate AI into the fabric of daily life, enhancing our capabilities without overshadowing our humanity.

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In summary, the humane AI pin with its unique features is able to make phone calls and send text to other contacts, set alarms and schedule reminders, play music, get directions, provide weather forecasts, analysed food content sugar levels, provide help with language translation, summarise emails and provide executive catch up of all events or emails through out the day via a voice prompt. Indeed, the launch of the humane AI is a positive indication of how the AI revolution will birth an amazing consumer experience. (

As we navigate and experience this new chapter in mobile technology, the responsible and thoughtful deployment of the Humane AI Pin holds the key to a future where technology not only serves us but also helps preserve the essence of our humanity.

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Tosin Joseph
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Hi, Pleased to meet YOU!🤩Am an AI & DeepTech Analyst and Researcher exploring how the possibilities of emerging technologies are shaping our digital ecosystem.