
To exist outside of the temporal fourth dimension

E. Alderson


A simulation shows the concept of Stephen Hawking’s “no-boundary” cosmos. Here the universe has no beginning.

There are many ways in which we’ve found freedom over the years. Nowhere is that more apparent than in our exploration of the Earth. We began rooted to and struggling to find a way out of the wild umber landscape of Africa. Our earliest engineers built great salt-licked ships to traverse the seas, make familiar the strange fruits of the paradise islands. For better or for worse we have managed to build homes in the most uncanny places — on the rich, sooted sides of volcanoes and beyond the frosted mountain regions where only the thickest furs and soles keep the cold at bay. This exploration continues into the future with mounting hopes that one day we may even diverge from the Earth, moving on to coil through the garden of the cosmos.

And yet despite all this freedom we’ve made for ourselves, we continue bound to one thing — a thing more indiscriminate even than death.


We may visit new planets or wash ourselves in the light of another star, living longer and communicating better as we improve our technology. But we continue with the same inescapable perception of time: that one moment unfolds after the next whether or not we will it to. A great many, if not every, tragedy of a person’s life comes from our inability to turn back the clock. We may hold onto…



E. Alderson

A passion for language, technology, and the unexplored universe. I aim to marry poetry and science.