I Asked GPT How Smart Homes of 2050 Will Look Like

Fahri Karakas
Published in
11 min readJan 12, 2023


Photo by R ARCHITECTURE on Unsplash

A smart home allows you to control appliances, thermostats, lights, and other devices remotely using a smartphone with an internet connection. Smart home provides you with convenience, cost savings, customization, entertainment, energy efficiency, and advanced security.

How will these technologies evolve by 2050? I hired artificial intelligence (Open AI Playground) for free to make predictions about the future of smart homes.

Here is my prompt:

Smart home of 2050. How will it look like? Mind-blowing listicle.

Here is what GPT came up with — you will see all 3 iterations below:

Iteration 1: Smart Appliances for the Year 2050

Smart appliances of the future will look quite different from what we know today. By the year 2050, we’ll likely have more automated appliances and devices that are voice-controlled, energy-efficient, and even self-cleaning. In this listicle, we’ll explore some of the incredible appliances that could become commonplace in homes of the future.

a. Smart Refrigerator: This refrigerator of the future would be capable of scanning or recognizing items that are placed inside of it, and then it will automatically adjust its internal temperature to preserve them at…



Fahri Karakas

Associate Professor in Business & Leadership at University of East Anglia. Passionate about doodling, imagination, and creativity. Author of Self-Making Studio.