I Sought The Help of Artificial Intelligence to Understand Singularity

Fahri Karakas
Published in
22 min readFeb 4, 2023


Photo by julien Tromeur on Unsplash

We are living through historically significant times. Technological changes are so significant and accelerated that our linear minds have difficulty grasping the non-linearity of the situation. We are living in exponential times — it looks like our human civilization is running towards ‘singularity’.

Singularity is the point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible. When Singularity occurs, non-human intelligent agents (AI-powered robots and machines) will continually upgrade themselves and enter never-ending and accelerating self-improvement cycles. Machines will invent new machines that will be more sophisticated and advanced than anything we witness or imagine today.

At this point, technological change will be so rapid and profound that this will represent a rupture in the fabric of human history. It means the end of human civilization as we know it and the beginning of something new. Some call this phenomenon ‘intelligence explosion’.

Ray Kurzweil states:

“By the time we get to the 2040s, we’ll be able to multiply human intelligence a billionfold. That will be a profound change that’s singular in nature. Computers are going to keep getting smaller and smaller. Ultimately, they will go inside our bodies and



Fahri Karakas

Associate Professor in Business & Leadership at University of East Anglia. Passionate about doodling, imagination, and creativity. Author of Self-Making Studio.