If You’re Only A “Content Creator,” You’ll Be Replaced By AI

Standing out as an artist in an era of boring AI automation

Erik Brown


The Soul-less Assembly Line Of Content Creation — Created By Author In Starryai

“It’s getting ever harder to distinguish humans from bots, not just because bots are becoming more humanlike, but also because humans are becoming more botlike.”

GURWINDER, Why You Are Probably An NPC

The age of the “content creator” is over, and AI will put it out of its misery.

This may cause many to panic. Certain bloggers, writers, artists, or those who make their living out of creativity may wonder about their future. And some should.

The idea of a predatory program hunting you down and taking your job — like the terminator carrying a keyboard instead of a machine gun — may haunt the dreams of certain creators. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

In fact, just using the title “content creator,” and seeing yourself as such puts the target of this terrible AI job-stealing assassin on your head. If you lower the value of what you provide to “content,” you’ve already partially lost. But I can’t word it any better than author Ozan Varol in Awaken Your Genius:

“A part of me dies inside when someone calls themselves a ‘content creator.’ Content is something you stuff inside a bag. It’s…



Erik Brown

Work out fanatic, martial artist, student, MBA, and connoisseur of useless information. CantWriteToSaveMyLife@yahoo.com, historyphilosophyaction.substack.com