In A Blink

The Conspiring Eyelid



Photo by Jordan Whitfield on Unsplash

It is not very often that one is aware of blinking. Unless you pay attention to that involuntary action, it remains inconspicuous for unknown duration. I experienced firsthand how this inconsequential reflex could wreak havoc on an otherwise ordinary day. Staring at my laptop is an occupational hazard, so blinking does get noticed. And rinsing my eyes with cold water several times a day is the norm.

Freak Accident

A maple branch in my front yard broke due to wind gusts the same day as trash day. The trash guys said they wouldn’t pick it up unless I chopped it down into smaller chunks. It was clear the recycling truck would pick it up later that day. So I hurried to chop it down. But nature had other intentions. It wanted me to be deliberate and slow down, which were contrary to mine. I had my glasses and gloves on as I rushed with the job at hand. I am the type that pours sweat from the forehead with even a slight hint of humidity. But this was sweltering heat. It was no contest. I was pouring down from the head, occasionally removing my glasses, wiping my brow against my shirt, then donning them back on. Then an impeccable timing of two conspiring events occurred. Glasses all fogged up, and with no headband, I went ahead with the motion of removing my glasses. But this time, only as the machete landed on a branch. A tiny chunk…

