In-house NFT Marketplace, NFT as a Service (NFTaaS), or White-label NFT Marketplace?

Published in
5 min readSep 16, 2022

Business ventures of huge latitudes have set their bets on the digital market. Assimilating NFTs and staying relevant in the oscillating blockchain and the web3 is strenuous. That being said, NFT is explained by the growing influence of gaming communities and the demands emerging with virtual assets.

NFT for business is made more popular nowadays with the active participation of the celebrities like Snoop Dogg, Bella Hadid, Ha dong Hoon (known as HaHa), and many more. Owing to the originality and uniqueness of the assets, umpteen NFTs are minted on a daily basis. Do you have an incredible proposal to launch NFT Marketplace? This blog sits right in your alley.

‘Must-have’ Salient features to launch an NFT marketplace

Every project needs a different spotlight! The project development for your forever dreamt NFT marketplace is defined by its functionality and the usability of the platform. The virtual asset collection in store for the sellers and buyers requires some much-needed facets to function properly.

  • Storefront/NFT exhibitory
  • Swift Token Search
  • High-end Filters
  • Create Listings
  • Listing Status
  • Auctions
  • Buying and Bidding
  • Crypto Wallet
  • Ratings and Reviews

How to build out the NFT marketplace?

Concerning NFTs being rather new to the world, their popularity is no less than any legendary commerce in the physical world. White-label NFT marketplace development is magic! We know how NFT works, but what if you have to architecture your NFT marketplace?

  • Selection of niche to narrow down the process and attract a larger audience.
  • Decide on a blockchain to build the marketplace.
  • Propose a UI/UX design for your business that is user-friendly and inventive.
  • Integrate the marketplace with smart contracts to aid traders with professional developers.
  • Secured storage will also record the transactions of traders and securely store them.
  • For the payment gateways, incorporate the crypto wallet into the NFT marketplace, email services, etc., depending on the business requirements.
  • Run the developed NFT marketplace with a series of intense tests and update any hiccups.
  • The final stage is to launch the NFT marketplace and improve it at regular intervals to cater to the users.

What is NFT as a Service (NFTaaS)?

A fortune goes into developing a trustable NFT marketplace, making a lot of small-scale businesses unable to afford to be self-sufficient in their business. For instance, an internet cafe might need the assistance of software that enables easy and secure payments in large amounts.

NFTaaS comes into play with this hiccup. Instead of going for development from scratch, they can opt for the NFTaaS from NFTaaS Company at a subscription fee calculated per month.

So why is it of so much importance? Selecting an intellectual NFT yields a revenue that takes the marketplace into a new dimension, eradicating any possible vulnerability. For instance, some big luxury brands of clothing lines and footwear have taken full advantage of these assets’ potency. Optimizing their NFT collection to highlight their indubitable existence in the market surely got new investors flowing with creative assets. NFTaaS takes the platform one step further by assigning royalty payments for the NFTs’ resale in the secondary market with its proof-of-ownership consensus.

Though they have not reached the peak of the usual NFT marketplace, their workflow is promising enough with its highly functional model.

Workflow of NFTaaS — look into the future

NFTaaS works with the same model as BaaS by having the companies utilize cloud-based blockchains and services to be built. Managing the own application is one thing, but having proper parameters to accommodate appropriate services as NFTaaS to ensure perfectly is not set yet. Taking the development of NFT as the preceding factor, the development of NFTaaS will also be following the steps with more apparent limits sooner in the future.

Business scenarios that need NFTs as a service (NFTaaS)/NFT marketplace

Small-scale businesses can’t afford these services to launch the NFT marketplace. Since they are still blooming, they require quite a sum for setting up companies. Some companies provide these businesses to transform into the metaverse by giving an NFT strategy. As far as the NFT marketplace is concerned, they also cater to developments like NFTaaS. Below are presented to you the following stages.


This is the beginning phase of NFTaaS development. They include the planning of the following areas.

  1. Planning of the NFT strategy
  2. Composing NFT utilities and design
  3. Defining the offers for NFT and benefits.
  4. Defining the royalty rules
  5. Defining the NFT design strategy
  6. Pricing Strategy development

The companies opting for the NFT as a Service (NFTaaS) when they are in the development stage can get the below-given outputs as a result.

  1. Brand NFT strategy and NFT utility’s Strategic advisories.
  2. Minting of the NFTs and the release schedules for them.
  3. Pre-launching the NFTs and the blueprint of post-launch supports.


The planning phase is followed by the designing state of the virtual assets of the brands.

  1. Developing an NFT design
  2. Collaborating with famed designers for crossover NFTs
  3. Developing the 2D/3D avatar designs for the metaverse


For a brand NFT in the marketplace, the assets have to get minted to proceed with the next stage.

  1. Smart contracts development
  2. NFT minting with NFT minting protocol.
  3. Setting up NFT for launching in a branded storefront.


This stage is dedicated to the launching of NFTaaS

  1. Strategic NFT marketing and PR campaigns Development
  2. Community growth
  3. Hosting auction sales and launch events for the NFT


The final stage of the development procedure includes the post-launch services as well. The stage does the work,

  1. Convenient and smooth user experience to use and redeem the NFT offers.
  2. Off-camping from crypto to fiat currency.
  3. Post-launch service and loyalty-building services in the NFT community.

Wrapping up!

NFTs, with their incredible growing pace, need constant adoption of new applications, services, etc. Several companies are coming up with solutions to develop a marketplace, among which the White Label NFT marketplace wins the race. Confused about how the marketplace will turn out? Turn up to have a conversation with the developing team and personalize your business as you wish!




I am a fervent writer who is high on curating informative content on crypto, NFTs, and a gamut of applications surmounting blockchain technology.