Felicity Harley
Published in
4 min readSep 6, 2024

I’ve recently finished Luis Elzondo’s book Imminent. It’s a great read. There’s definitely something happening here. But what it is isn’t completely clear.

One of the more fascinating pieces of scientific information he shares, is Hal Putoff’s unifying theory on how a spacecraft could create a bubble around itself, and thus protect itself from the warping of gravity. This would mean the occupants within the craft would experience spacetime differently from those experiencing it on the outside.

Elizondo suggests that the force/or sonic frequency that could create such a bubble might be generated by or in combination with the exotic meta-material from which the craft itself was made. By compressing space and time like this, Putoff and Elizondo suggest it would be possible for a craft of this kind, and its occupants, to travel faster than the speed of light between points A and B, taking a shortcut through the cosmos as it were.

Because I write hard science fiction I am fascinated by this theory, and in fact do use something similar in the beginning of Tesla’s Dream, the third book in my series that will be published at the end of 2025. Albert Einstein said “the most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.” I can attest that Luis Elizondo truly jumps into the mysterious in his book.

Since I love to draw parallels and am at heart a poet, I would compare these other worldly visitors to Japanese Gutai artists. Gutai artists impart life to matter. Gutai Art does not distort matter. Gutai art does not change the material but brings it to life.

Perhaps the designers of these spacecraft have imparted life to the materials from which their spacecraft are made. Perhaps they have for instance brought them to the point where they can interact and be responsive to spacetime.

Because like Elizondo I have no answers to the mot perplexing questions he raises in this book, I used generative AI to create an answer to them.

Why are they here and what do they want?

Prompt: You’ve presented a thought-provoking scenario: If sentient beings exist outside of our human experience, they might be observing our tendency toward xenophobia and persecution. The question is why they would risk becoming targets of this behavior.


  1. Observation and Non-Intervention: If these beings are observing us, it’s possible they’ve chosen a policy of non-intervention, perhaps due to ethical, philosophical, or technological reasons. They might believe that interfering with our development would be unethical, or that their technology or understanding of our universe is insufficient to do so without causing harm.
  2. Testing or Experimentation: Another possibility is that they’re conducting an experiment or observation, studying our behavior and reactions to different stimuli. This could explain their apparent lack of intervention, as they might be interested in seeing how we would react to direct contact or interaction.
  3. Awaiting a Suitable Time: It’s also conceivable that they’re waiting for a more opportune time to reveal themselves. Perhaps they’re assessing our level of technological advancement, our understanding of the universe, or our societal structures to determine whether we’re ready for contact.
  4. Avoiding Conflict: If these beings are aware of our potential for violence and aggression, they might be trying to avoid conflict by remaining hidden. They may believe that revealing themselves could lead to war or destruction, and they’re therefore choosing to remain neutral.

Preparing for Contact:

Your suggestion of preparing people for the possibility of extraterrestrial contact is a valid one. By fostering a culture of tolerance, understanding, and respect for diversity, we can create a more welcoming environment for any potential visitors. This could involve:

  • Education: Promoting scientific literacy and critical thinking to help people understand the vastness of the universe and the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
  • Cultural Exchange: Encouraging intercultural dialogue and understanding to foster empathy and respect for different cultures and perspectives.
  • Ethical Considerations: Developing ethical guidelines for potential contact with extraterrestrial beings, including principles of peaceful coexistence and mutual respect.

By taking these steps, we can increase our chances of a positive and peaceful encounter with any sentient beings that may exist beyond our planet.

Gemini, thank you, I couldn’t have said it better myself! Except I do take a stab at it in my fourth book in the series, The Creators to be published at the end of next year!

You will find my first book The Burning Years by following this link. Four more books to come out over the next two years. My series Until This Last among other things, tells the compelling story of how a non-governmental group of resourceful, human revolutionaries and scientists in the future, with a little help from extra-terrestrial, cryptodimensional and inter-dimensional allies, secure Earth and our future.



Felicity Harley
Writer for

writer. student of the human condition & psyche. grounded by family, garden and good wine.