Is Alien Technology Too Advanced for Us to Make Contact?

Maybe our signals are simply too primitive to be picked up by another civilization.

Trevor Mahoney


Image by Pawel86 from Pixabay

Humans have been trying to contact aliens for decades and whistling in the wind is all we’ve heard in response. It’s enough to make you wonder if any other intelligent life is out there.

A large number of people believe that it’s possible we are the most advanced civilization and everyone else is already behind us, or that perhaps we are indeed alone.

Though, I have trouble believing this. The Drake equation proposes that there should be hundreds of thousands of civilizations similar to ours and many that are more advanced.

Our universe alone is roughly 13.8 billion years old and it’s mind-boggling to think that we are the first to have developed during that time.

However, an idea that has always fascinated me is what if there are indeed a large number of advanced civilizations out there?

Maybe they’ve been communicating with each other for years in ways we can’t comprehend. The signals we have been sending out could be so primitive that they aren’t even picking them up.

How Would They or We Miss Each Other?



Trevor Mahoney

Studying Finance and Management Information Systems • Technology and Space Enthusiast • California Born