Is Anything Faster than the Speed of Light?

Taran Sankar
Published in
4 min readNov 30, 2023


Across the ages, among the mysteries hiding our comprehension of the cosmos, an important question has persisted: Is there anything that can travel faster than the speed of light? For decades, the velocity of light — measured at approximately 299,792 kilometers per second(or roughly 186,282 miles per second) in a vacuum — has stood as the unyielding limit according to Einstein’s theory of relativity.

In the 17th century, Ole Romer, studying Jupiter’s moons, noticed changing eclipse times as Earth’s orbit. He suggested light too took time to travel, implying a finite speed. This led to the discovery of the speed of light, which is very pivotal moment in our understanding of the universe’s constants.

Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, often known as the Cosmic Speed Limit, revolutionized how we think about space. It has two parts: Special relativity and General Relativity.

  • Special Relativity explains how time and space are linked and how they change for objects moving at different speeds. One key idea is that nothing can travel faster than light
  • General Relativity describes gravity as the bending of space and time caused by matter and energy

Some of the most well-known ideas that have sparked speculation about breaking the cosmic speed limit are:-

Quantum Entanglement and Instantaneous Communication?

Quantum mechanics studies how tiny particles like atoms and photons behave, revealing that at their level, things can act unpredictably and exist in multiple states until observed.

Here, there is something called quantum entanglement. When particles become entangled, they share a special connection that lets them instantly affect each other, no matter how far apart they are. Some folks have wondered if this could be used to send messages faster than light.

But here’s the catch: even though entangled particles seem linked in a special way, using them to send messages faster than light is really hard. Scientists are still figuring out how to do it because there are lots of tricky problems to solve, like how to control the information sent using entangled particles and keeping them connected over long distances.

Quantum Entanglement

So, while it’s a fascinating idea, using quantum entanglement for faster-than-light communication is still a big puzzle and is an area that requires extensive research.

Warp Drives and Hyperspace?

A warp drive is a theoretical concept where a spacecraft creates a warp or a bubble in spacetime. The bubble would contract space in front of the spacecraft and expand space behind it, allowing the ship to effectively ride off this “warp” and cover vast distances much faster.

Warp Drives

Hyperspace, on the other hand, is like an alternate dimension or realm that exists alongside our own. Imagine space as a vast highway system. Normal space is like driving on regular roads, where distances between two points can be quite far.

Now, hyperspace is like having access to a network of hidden tunnels or shortcuts that allow spacecraft to bypass the regular roads entirely. These tunnels exist in a different layer or dimension of space, allowing ships to travel vast distances in a much shorter time compared to traveling through regular space highways.


Warp drives and hyperspace are sci-fi concepts for faster-than-light travel across vast distances. They’re imaginative ideas beyond our current understanding of physics, yet to be proven or achieved.


Tachyons are hypothetical particles that have been proposed in some theoretical physics frameworks. Unlike ordinary particles, which travel at or below the speed of light, tachyons are suggested to move faster than light. This concept comes from certain mathematical models, but there’s no experimental evidence confirming their existence.


But no one has ever seen or proven their existence. Scientists are curious, but until now there is no proof, tachyons are just a fascinating idea, not yet confirmed.

Is the Speed of darkness faster than the Speed of light?

The speed of Dark is metaphorical; dark isn’t a moving entity like light, rather, it’s the absence or lack of light. In that sense, it doesn’t have a speed because it doesn’t travel.

The Final Verdict

As of now, despite many hypotheses and theories, no conclusive evidence or experimental observations support the existence of anything that can overtake the speed of light.

The speed of light, firmly governed by Einstein’s theory of relativity, remains an unbreakable limit. While we explore and learn, this limit stands strong, developing a better understanding of our universe as we push its boundaries.



Taran Sankar
Writer for

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