Is Consciousness Really Changes The Reality ?

Alex Wanderer
Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2024

If you are on internet then you heard of how quantum mechanics tells that consciousness create reality

Photo by Guillaume Bleyer on Unsplash

After hearing this my mind is like WTF it doesn’t make sense to me so I go deeper into the subject and learn about three holy grill of quantum mechanics “superposition” , “entanglement” and wave duality of particles.

Today we will explore what is superposition, most definition online state that “particle exist in multiple state at same time” and we try to understand it through Schrödinger cat thought experiment in simple term if you put cat in a box and close it and their is a system in box that realise a poison when radioactive particle is start to decay and cat is going to be dead.

Until the box is close you never know what is the state of cat it is dead or alive you only make assumption, does cat exist in multiple state of dead and alive. When you open a box its superposition collapse and it comes to one state.

But it is not the case

Point to be noted this is simple explanation not the true beauty of quantum superposition just layman’s explanation.

Most of the quantum state are not comprehensible to us we don’t understand there true nature.

Imagine you have two eggs one black and one white you can tell which is what and you have two machine one make black egg white and another make white into black.

first understand couple things.

We represent white and black on vector space in simple term on x and y axis.

X is black.

Y is white.

The length of vector is same 1 cm but its angel can be differing.

If vector is on X than it is black and if its on Yit is white.

Vector is physical quantities that have direction but Quantum Mechanics uses vector scale for things that are not vector.

Now we have third egg that is a quantum egg (combination of black and white egg) but not the both state at same time. It is one state that is combination of two.

So we use X and Y axis and write this quantum state in combination of two states (black and white) because math define them in this way.

Superposition is just mathematical state that represent the outcome of the explements.

We build a detector, to detect them, eggs goes in detector, detector detect them if they are white they comes out thought right hole and from left if they are black ,remember there are three rules.

1. Detector always detect the eggs.

2. It never fails to detect them and send it through one hole.

3. It has special ability to convert them into black or white egg in certain conditions.

So what happens when our quantum eggs goes in detector you might say two eggs come out of two holes or eggs never come out of any hole but due to our rule it has to come out from one hole as one egg.

Because of this it is either come out as a black egg or come out as a white egg our detector is not wrong neither our technology is limited. So what is happening is when we try to measure the egg it cause at interaction with it due to which it falls into one of two basis state (black or white) and our detector convert them because this state is combination of two and represent using both of them. Representations of the quantum state also give us probability of which of this two outcome is more likeable when we observe them or interact with them. Prediction using vector is damn accurate.

After this if it still feels complicated than it is, I know, you are not alone even founding father of Quantum mechanics had hard time understand it.

There are many interpretation of Mathematics of quantum mechanics neither one is right nor wrong.

Because we don’t observe this phenomenon daily so our mind can comprehend this and we don’t have language to express it.

Remember quantum superposition is one state not multiple but combination of more than one state.

comment what you like and how can i improve my writing



Alex Wanderer
Writer for

🚀 A man sailing in the vast sea of knowledge, looking for comrades 🌌 Follow to explore the endless horizons of knowledge and perspective