“Is it really AI?”

Alexandre Gonfalonieri
Published in
6 min readFeb 4, 2019


It has become very popular to associate a product with AI. Every day, you can stumble upon a new startup using “.ai” in their URL or in their marketing communication. This hype wave helps marketers a lot! Why? Because it sells and it helps to attract potential investors. However, are they really using AI… ? or just some advanced analytics?

Based on my experience, many AI companies are actually using basic data analysis, logic, Robotic Process Automation based bots or “pseudo-AI”. Through a specific communication, all these technologies can appear as AI if you only know a little bit about them.

In this article, I assume that AI means weak AI and that Machine Learning (ML) is an advanced solution! I know too well that ML algorithms are generally just memorizing and running statistical models. Despite this, these ML solutions are often considered as the best of artificial intelligence.

Back to our topic, organizations want to become more data-driven. As a consequence, many SaaS companies or AI development teams are proposing “augmented analytics” or other solutions… which most of the time can’t be considered as AI! For me, AI systems can get smarter with the more data they analyze and become increasingly capable with experience. It is not just a compilation of algorithms or just a bot created to automate a task by replicating a human action.



Alexandre Gonfalonieri

AI Consultant — Working on Brain-computer interface and new AI business models — Support my writing: https://alexandregonfalonieri.medium.com/membership