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Is it the end of the work as we know it?

A brief analysis of the report Future of Job 2020 by the World Economic Forum

Jair Ribeiro
Published in
12 min readOct 27, 2020


In several ways, 2020 has been a horrible year. Millions have lost their livelihoods, and millions more are at risk from the global recession, economic structural change, and, additionally, automation.

We are at a decisive moment: today’s actions and choices will decide the course of life and entire generations’ way of life.

If you, just like me, work with cutting-edge technology like Artificial Intelligence, the future of the work as we know it can be a constant feature on your agenda.

There are several points of view that we may consider to discuss.

Many people fear that robots will destroy many jobs, while informed optimistic people like me look to a future of smart workplaces where social skills are valuable and workers are freed from mundane tasks.

Studies estimate that up to 65% of children starting school today will have a job that does not yet exist after graduating from high school or college. Most of the attention in this debate is focused on declining jobs — not on creating new jobs.

In this sense, The Future of Jobs Report 2020 offers the timely perspective required to direct labor…



Jair Ribeiro

Top #5 Global AI Thought Leader, Father, Writer, and Reader