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Is There A Cosmic Highway Of Ancient Wormholes?

Some predictions of the Big Bang suggest that our universe should be full of tiny wormholes that span across the cosmos, furthermore some scientists think we could use them as an intergalactic highway.

Published in
6 min readAug 17, 2020


During the early stages of the Big Bang tiny wormholes may have been created. Since then the universe has expanded, pushing the ends of these wormholes far apart, making a web of them, scattered across the cosmos. Could we use this as an intergalactic highway?

Before we look at this potentially revolutionary transport network, what is a wormhole? And how could the Big Bang have made them?

A wormhole is a shortcut in spacetime. If you had one in front of you and the other end was on the surface of Mars, then you could, in theory, step through it and emerge on the other side just like a portal.

To make a wormhole, you have to connect two bits of spacetime together. Spacetime is the fabric of the universe, but it’s challenging to picture the 3D spacetime we inhabit, so instead let’s imagine a 2D universe - this way we can visualise the physics that is going on here. So, to make a wormhole in the 2D universe, you need to bring two parts together and link them…



Will Lockett

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